KMOV did an interview on job creation with both Russ Carnahan and Claire McCaskill, but neither answered the questions posed to them, gave typical pat answers which should have been further questioned.
If we are talking job creation, it must start at the top, by ending outsourcing with China, not allowing St. Louis to become it's hub for business. That is totally out of line in light of the current job losses we have expirienced in Mo.
JObs must be brought back to the US and our people by ending outsourcing, offering china a carrot in exchange for the debt owed. Aside from this being fiscally responsible, it allows the US to use funds gathered by going after BP, Wall Street, the Bush Administration, freezing those assets, adding the funds from an ended war we no longer need. Oil can be manufactured with safer fossil fuels which would create jobs back home, protect our inviornment, and end our ties to the middle east. Money from the funds above, could be used to re open manufacturing in the US, which would back our unions, create new jobs for teachers, the medical profession and students, communities. Nothing like this has been discussed, nor offered. Yet this is exactly what must happen to get the US back on track.
We must raise the tax cieling, taxes on the wealthy, to prevent this mess from happening again. Some will say it can't be done and we have to cut medicare and social security or other programs the public needs. NOt so. It must be done. You don't give carte blanche to a gambler knowing he has a problem and come back and blame the people for that mistake. That is what will happen and has. Congress has to put the people first, stop the partisan bickering, end religious interferance as a means of wagging the dog on this issue.
I am tempted to run for political office as the American people do not need more corporate politicos running the country, they need someone who has walked in thier shoes, been there, done that. Pat answers don't mean squat unless you are willing to back it up with serious solutions. We don't need more rhetoric, we need jobs, and you do not get that by outsourcing, selling out the american people or thier families. My blog on word press called Sheep Rants discusses the current political scene, issues from the perspective of a trans genderd sheep. Before you dismiss the latter comment, understand, underneath the innuendo, lie issues nobody wants to address, but should. I have, using political satire to plaster the tea party and its memebers. Nobody should have allowed a rogue group in congress to destroy the fabric of our people and rights. Thier plan is dangerous, won't create jobs, or offer solutions, but will allow the rich and corporate to continue to steal jobs from our own people.
Is this what we want in office folks? Leaders who refuse to stand up for the American people, jobs, rights, homes, families, civil rights or liberties, pocketing money from corporate to fund thier campaigns, as they discuss our jobs losses? Hello, wake up and smell the hummus, it is called conflict of interest.
JOb creation begins with the people, for the people and by the people. Not corporations who want to use outsourced employees who would sell out thier own mothers for profit. I seriously wonder whether our politicans understand what it feels like to stand in an unemployement line, state line for food, medical care, if they qualify. If they did, instead of pat answers, they would do as I am, demanding when and why they chose to sell the people out? Its easy to take kickbacks, harder to actually devise ideas, plans that generate jobs, promote our communities, care for our people, save thier homes from forclosure, protect their rights and civil liberties and remember, church and state are two separate entities for a reason.
KMOV, whose side are you on? I am on the side of the American people and thier families. Not politicos who refuse to sit down and discuss the issues, and offer solutions to the problems we now face as a nation and state.
If we are talking job creation, it must start at the top, by ending outsourcing with China, not allowing St. Louis to become it's hub for business. That is totally out of line in light of the current job losses we have expirienced in Mo.
JObs must be brought back to the US and our people by ending outsourcing, offering china a carrot in exchange for the debt owed. Aside from this being fiscally responsible, it allows the US to use funds gathered by going after BP, Wall Street, the Bush Administration, freezing those assets, adding the funds from an ended war we no longer need. Oil can be manufactured with safer fossil fuels which would create jobs back home, protect our inviornment, and end our ties to the middle east. Money from the funds above, could be used to re open manufacturing in the US, which would back our unions, create new jobs for teachers, the medical profession and students, communities. Nothing like this has been discussed, nor offered. Yet this is exactly what must happen to get the US back on track.
We must raise the tax cieling, taxes on the wealthy, to prevent this mess from happening again. Some will say it can't be done and we have to cut medicare and social security or other programs the public needs. NOt so. It must be done. You don't give carte blanche to a gambler knowing he has a problem and come back and blame the people for that mistake. That is what will happen and has. Congress has to put the people first, stop the partisan bickering, end religious interferance as a means of wagging the dog on this issue.
I am tempted to run for political office as the American people do not need more corporate politicos running the country, they need someone who has walked in thier shoes, been there, done that. Pat answers don't mean squat unless you are willing to back it up with serious solutions. We don't need more rhetoric, we need jobs, and you do not get that by outsourcing, selling out the american people or thier families. My blog on word press called Sheep Rants discusses the current political scene, issues from the perspective of a trans genderd sheep. Before you dismiss the latter comment, understand, underneath the innuendo, lie issues nobody wants to address, but should. I have, using political satire to plaster the tea party and its memebers. Nobody should have allowed a rogue group in congress to destroy the fabric of our people and rights. Thier plan is dangerous, won't create jobs, or offer solutions, but will allow the rich and corporate to continue to steal jobs from our own people.
Is this what we want in office folks? Leaders who refuse to stand up for the American people, jobs, rights, homes, families, civil rights or liberties, pocketing money from corporate to fund thier campaigns, as they discuss our jobs losses? Hello, wake up and smell the hummus, it is called conflict of interest.
JOb creation begins with the people, for the people and by the people. Not corporations who want to use outsourced employees who would sell out thier own mothers for profit. I seriously wonder whether our politicans understand what it feels like to stand in an unemployement line, state line for food, medical care, if they qualify. If they did, instead of pat answers, they would do as I am, demanding when and why they chose to sell the people out? Its easy to take kickbacks, harder to actually devise ideas, plans that generate jobs, promote our communities, care for our people, save thier homes from forclosure, protect their rights and civil liberties and remember, church and state are two separate entities for a reason.
KMOV, whose side are you on? I am on the side of the American people and thier families. Not politicos who refuse to sit down and discuss the issues, and offer solutions to the problems we now face as a nation and state.