Johann Bessler
Johann Bessler " Offered his head for the Chopping block"
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It is well documented that contemporaries of notable character and academia testified to the operation of a perpetual motion machine, often referred to as; "Besslers'Wheel"

It is empirical science that discounts the possibility of such a device to have worked. Rationalism argues quite vociferously that this Wheel did in fact meet the criteria of a perpetual motion machine.

A weak challenge cites,"Put your money where your mouth is" and it can be inferred that Johann Ernst Elias Bessler did exactly that, by offering his head to the executioner if he was found to be lieing.

I propose that the empirical sciences and rationalism must both prevail and that Thermodynamic, and Conservation of energy laws are immutable. More easily stated; Besslers Wheel worked not in defiance of the empirical laws, rather the wheel works in defiance of erroneous conclusion and summary, to laws of physics.....

A Body in motion tends to stay in motion...?