Vince Gibson
KSU, the early years
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Coach Gibson,
Looks like I kick off the discussion and memories. I hope our thoughts and stories can bring some sunshine and smiles to you and your family.

I an sharing a story that I emailed to your players at KSU. It was really the first time I had any time to spend with you.

One of my first interactions and memories, besides the "We Gonna Win" and Purple Pride, was being called to drive Coach Gibson and if I remember correctly, Bobby Fraiser but not sure. Hindman Wall called me and asked if I would drive Coach Gibson and Coach Fraiser to Salina for a "Cat Backers" meeting. (I dont' think it was called Cat Backer's at that time). It was great listening to Coach Gibson and Coach Fraiser talk in the car. Of course, with Coach Giibson's drawl, I only caught about ever other word. Coach looked great in his Purple blazer and purple tie.

The thing I remember was, after his speech and ensuing question answer period, someone asked about recruiting. He told the story... if I remember right, Coach always related everything to a story..."I wennnnt to a game and saw this reallllly goooood team. They had some good players and so did the other teaaam. Weeellll, I watching this oooone plaaayer and he wasn't the biggggest plaaaayer by annnny means, but when he would get knockkkked down, he would jummmp up and run and heeeelp finish the tackle. Time after time, heeee would get knockkked down and jummmp up and run and heeeeelp finish the tackle.

So Coach Gibson, is that the type of player that hustles and gets knocked down and gets up and helps finish the tackle that you want to recruit?, asked the KSU alumnus. Ooooh, heaaavens NO. I waaant that booooy that keeeeps knocking him doowwn.

The crowd loved it and we did get those type of players....