The primary application of penstocks is the flow control and isolation of fluids associated with water, waste water, sewage treatment plant, power generation, irrigation schemes and process plant. The modern penstock is designed for door depth on and off-seating heads in sizes from 150mm up to 900mm square. Selection of the correct penstock to suit the duty is important to satisfy the design criteria and provide the most cost effective solution. Operation of the penstock is governed generally by factors outside the control of the penstock manufacturer. However, the range of penstocks operating equipment is extensive: from simple direct operation by handwheel to complex control systems for electrical, pneumatic or hydraulic actuation. The range of penstocks with associated operating equipment will cater for the most demanding specification and application. Any of our standard penstock units can be mounted in a channel. However the 4700-PSK1 light duty range are specifically designed for this purpose. Channel mounted penstocks are fixed into preformed rebates in the sides and inverts of channels by means of a sand/cement non shrink grout to effect a seal between the rebate and the penstock frame. The frame can be manufactured from either galvanised mild steel, painted mild steel or grade 304/316 stainless steel, complete with an optional gate in the same material or a light HDPE plastic material. Detailed documentation can be found at www.penstocksonline.com.