ARGON {99.995} to about 1/3 rd of an atmosphere.The specimen then to be welded was then traversed radially or laterally in a jig as required.A High Frequency Injector was used to start the Arc.The atmosphere was further purified by starting the Arc on a small block of ZIRCONIUM which acted as a "GETTER.a welding helmet was worn during trhese operations and all welding over the years it was in use was done by myself.ZIRCONIUM glows with tremendous intensity when melting and this is another possible cause of the premature cataracts?.Only conventional Argon Arc welding glass was used and this may not have been good enough for this extensive use with ZIRCONIUM.Mr LlOYD was moved to a subsidiary company and I was transferred to the BERYLLIUM LABORATORY STAFF.This was when the period of strict Medical care which Dr WALLACE mentioned began}.The BERYLLIUM LABORATORY was equipped to operate under full Toxic Hazard conditions,with a carefully monitored atmosphere,fume cupboards,showers and changes of clothing and shoes etc,to avoid contamination of any kind.A pleasure to work in such conditions.During the years in the laboratory,my duties were varied,working for several Graduate Metallurgists on various projects.The Vacuum Bell Jar was transferred with me and I continued to weld on and off, on various projects.The biggest of these was on preparing ZIRCONIUM/HIOBUM electrodes for a new wire conductor,this involved quite a lot of long welding operations on ZIRCONIUM.
The BERYLLIUM LAB was closed down during an 18 month period of DE--CONTAMINATION in which I took part.All scrap and contaminated waste was sealed in special steel drums cast in concrete prior to dumping in the IRISH sea, The Vacuum Bell Jar Unit was DE--CONTAMINATED and still used for welding ZIRCONIUM and other work.When the laboratory was finally cleared I was transferred once again Thi
The BERYLLIUM LAB was closed down during an 18 month period of DE--CONTAMINATION in which I took part.All scrap and contaminated waste was sealed in special steel drums cast in concrete prior to dumping in the IRISH sea, The Vacuum Bell Jar Unit was DE--CONTAMINATED and still used for welding ZIRCONIUM and other work.When the laboratory was finally cleared I was transferred once again Thi