Cutis verticis gyrata
Newly found ridges in son's scalp?
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Last night I was cutting my son's hair when I discovered he has ridges along the top of his scalp. I need to take him to the Dr. I will keep this post up so that maybe I can share our experience with others as there is nothing so far about this topic.

This is strange and unsettling though.
replied to:  MamaJo
Replied to:  Last night I was cutting my son's hair when I discovered...
I'm sorry to hear about this.

I am unfortunate enough to suffer from this myself, and it's been quite a nightmare. I'm certain the deformity manifested itself during or after puberty - as when I was a child, my scalp was normal.

Eventually I started losing my hair where the skin thickened. There's no history of hair loss in my family. So I was stuck either way. Couldn't shave my head - couldn't grow my hair :/ and all this in my mid-twenties.

Science hasn't an answer as to why this occurs - they have no idea if its genetic or environmental. There is no treatment except for surgery :(

Did you see your doctor? What did he diagnose?