Extraterrestrial life
Parallel Universe
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Is there a possibility that a parallel universe exists?
another universe which is a complete miror of ours... I dont know exactly how to pose this question but I have a feeling that I have to involve a Black hole somwhere in the topic... seeing that not even time can escape it...
replied to:  bora
Replied to:  Is there a possibility that a parallel universe exists? another universe...
Black holes are quite the enigma. They are said to be a point in space so dense that it is a singularity and it has a characteristic called the event horizon in which not even light can escape its gravitational pull. Some scientists believe that black holes could be a key to "cheating" time travel as time and space around a black hole are so distorted that there may be almost no passage of time at all at the center. Parallel universes almost go hand in hand with time travel and fringe science. Time travels on a linear dimension, however some mathematicians and scientists and whoever suggest that time travel isn't nessisarily traveling through time, but jumping from one linear dimension of time to another...or a parrallel universe. One of my favorite books of all time by David Gerrold is called The Man Who Folded Himself and it explains what science today says could happen as far as parallel universes. These parallel universes, however, are not exactly the same. There is said to be an infinite number of them ranging from change details that are impossible to detect to completely other orders beyond our understanding.
replied to:  painkiller24
Replied to:  Black holes are quite the enigma. They are said to be...
Yes i realize this it is a fascinating idea and one i hope we can achieve.
replied to:  bora
Replied to:  Is there a possibility that a parallel universe exists? another universe...
The majority of cosmologists agree with the fact that there are multiple universes.Sk.multiversum theory.
By the way-this is one of the questions beyond human intelligence.
Speculations about "god",nirvana,parabrahman etc.are constructions of the human mind.