this is pooja
i wanna know some details abt R. satish from Ke samudram mandal warangal district
is he really a volleyball champion or not because
this is regarding finalisation of the volleyball team list of the national level for the felicitation of the national level players from warangal and other districts near warangal this particular persons data is missing so can anybody help me or convey this msg to Mr. Ramagiri Satish
we need his complete residing address
phone no's and mail id
kindly help me
Pooja Rai
this is pooja
i wanna know some details abt R. satish from Ke samudram mandal warangal district
is he really a volleyball champion or not because
this is regarding finalisation of the volleyball team list of the national level for the felicitation of the national level players from warangal and other districts near warangal this particular persons data is missing so can anybody help me or convey this msg to Mr. Ramagiri Satish
we need his complete residing address
phone no's and mail id
kindly help me
Pooja Rai