Prime Computer
Remember Counting House Computers Fornham St Martin?
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In 1979 I and my now ex husband, Peter Van Klingeren, worked at the above establishment, I in the computer room and hubby as software engineer.
It was a lovely setting for work, an old house known as the Manse, now an old folks home, with a large garden in which to wander and think out problems.
Our boss was a Canadian and he had the idea of people working to their biological clocks, since it was a 24 hour business, as long as the work got done and the hours filled, it worked perfectly.
Names from the staff are Adie, Jeannette (South African from Durban), Kim Rutter and two maintenance men who were a bit like Laurel and Hardy!
We left in 1980 and emigrated to South Africa after my husband secured a post at Anglo American in Johannesburg. Another engineer, Simon, emigrated at the same time. We only met once and he described it as a 'cultural desert', a mis nomer of the worse kind.
Thanks to this move we upped our lifestyle by 100%, but unfortunately we divorced a few years later. I remained until 1993/4 but had to return to the U.K.due to family ill health. Depsite divorce I had a very good life and have recently published a book about my South African Adventures. I still have photographs taken in the computer room at Anglo. Prime systems ran the boards of Jan Smuts Airport and many other applications in the gold and diamond industry, for which Peter was in demand to maintain and sort out their programming problems.
Happy days, despite divorce!
Dorothy Woods