Ref Michigan.. Lanes have to be 12 feet in width.
A street is divided by a median. The N/B side appears to be wide enough for three cars. The county takes measurements and fines the left lane is marked with lane markers and is 12' in width. The right lane is approx 6 feet wider then the left. So its only a two lane road. Now the county paints diagonial lines at the right curb for approx 12-15 back from intersections and officers are issuing violations to drivers that are making right turns from the white lines.
Isn't the right lane considered to be the whole width from the left lanemarkers to the curb? Michigan Law states Driver making a right turn shall approach and turn from the furthest lane edge or curb at the right. There is no signage to indicate why the lines are there.
The county has marked teo intersections in this manner and officers are only inforcing there. Yet there are approx 12 intersections between these two marked ones that measure out the same yet there are no white lines or enforcement at these intersections.
I believe the officers enforcement at these two intersections is improper.
Your thoughts...
A street is divided by a median. The N/B side appears to be wide enough for three cars. The county takes measurements and fines the left lane is marked with lane markers and is 12' in width. The right lane is approx 6 feet wider then the left. So its only a two lane road. Now the county paints diagonial lines at the right curb for approx 12-15 back from intersections and officers are issuing violations to drivers that are making right turns from the white lines.
Isn't the right lane considered to be the whole width from the left lanemarkers to the curb? Michigan Law states Driver making a right turn shall approach and turn from the furthest lane edge or curb at the right. There is no signage to indicate why the lines are there.
The county has marked teo intersections in this manner and officers are only inforcing there. Yet there are approx 12 intersections between these two marked ones that measure out the same yet there are no white lines or enforcement at these intersections.
I believe the officers enforcement at these two intersections is improper.
Your thoughts...