Marcelo Ramos Motta
Sascha & The Follower Letter
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The following is a bit misleading:

"According to some sources, Germer told his wife, Sasha, that he left the control of O.T.O. to Motta (by calling him "the follower")."

As the source is a letter that does indeed exist including follow up letters where Mrs. Germer begs Motta to come to California and retrieve the library etc. as well as letters from Phyllis Seckler confirming that Mrs. Germer believed Motta to be the heir of Karl Germer and saying he was named heir. The will that was recovered though pre-dated Motta's first meeting with Germer in 1955 (?). This isn't a "some sources" situation but a verifiable one and the letter is published on the internet in various places.

Love is the law, love under will.