Hi all
Christmas break at 2008/2009
I came upoun Dennis Havlena's Wash Tub Bass on the net.
So inspired by what I whitnessed, I land lined him and set forth to create a Bass of higher execution.
The plan was set to use as much land fill materials as possible, as well what was handy and clever.
The Orthodox/Acedemic approch of design and planning felt as the "Kit-Builder" who will try and trick folk's into thinking
they are a Luthier! No kit builder here.Just sound craftmanship. . .
No knoweldge of stringed instruments, tunning EADG @ 52"
scale length. Ah-Ha! what about those strings?
Guitar/Bass strings too short.
Weed whacker;aircraft cable;fish line;clothes line Voo doo
Walmart light acoustic strings ($4) silver soldered and
annealed to length great find.
Dome formed sound board. . . Bar-None
This project was of great value to me in ways of what not to do as well to own a one-off instument.
Some say you can build and play Bass in a weekend. Maybe.
Low and behold a finished Bass 277 hrs. Holder and case next.
Cheers Larr
Christmas break at 2008/2009
I came upoun Dennis Havlena's Wash Tub Bass on the net.
So inspired by what I whitnessed, I land lined him and set forth to create a Bass of higher execution.
The plan was set to use as much land fill materials as possible, as well what was handy and clever.
The Orthodox/Acedemic approch of design and planning felt as the "Kit-Builder" who will try and trick folk's into thinking
they are a Luthier! No kit builder here.Just sound craftmanship. . .
No knoweldge of stringed instruments, tunning EADG @ 52"
scale length. Ah-Ha! what about those strings?
Guitar/Bass strings too short.
Weed whacker;aircraft cable;fish line;clothes line Voo doo
Walmart light acoustic strings ($4) silver soldered and
annealed to length great find.
Dome formed sound board. . . Bar-None
This project was of great value to me in ways of what not to do as well to own a one-off instument.
Some say you can build and play Bass in a weekend. Maybe.
Low and behold a finished Bass 277 hrs. Holder and case next.
Cheers Larr