I found a new NaNo therapy which will support the environment and upgrade the room atmosphere by creating NaNo rays, created by burning Herbal Oils. This is mentioned in Vedas. I studied Vedas for the last 15 years. This can help as a supportive therapy for speedy recovery for curing Cancer, recovery from Coma and paralysis.
I wish to attract the common man to words this, and attraction is possible only if this inventions are viewed with science and modern chemistry.
I also applied This Occult Chemistry and Alchemy and I am sure this innovation will fetch a prize., and wish to form a group of Chemists, NaNo technology and Physics.
I wish to send a copy of my thesis to some organisations for review.
replied to: ramaiyer
Replied to: I found a new NaNo therapy which will support...
Get real, most of that crap is just that. find a place where they know what they are doing with cancer and won't charge you an arm and leg. try rush presbyterian st. lukes medical center in chicago illinois. phone 1-312-942-5000. they are the best all over.
replied to: kyb4725
Replied to: Get real, most of that crap is just that. find...
This I am talking about Occult Chemistry, and I wish to share my knowledge that I gained through reading books, and I concluded at a point.
I don't want any patent rights as I feel We should not encash on a dead body or on a dyeing person. We should not earn money by selling dead bodies.
So I am inviting scientists to go through my thesis and help the cancer patients.
replied to: ramaiyer
Replied to: I found a new NaNo therapy which will support...
An unedited copy of a PhD thesis titled "Vedas- A New Critical Analysis with Special Reference to Human Body and Health was sent to ACS/ Research Department two years back. This is fully based on Chemistry. Based on this and my communication with AACR, ACS, Participating in NET where I posted my postings were criticized by many laymen. But NCI took this and ACS also read my thesis and found that the Thesis has something new, where new technology was suggested in approaching the Cancer.
I am sure this will create a new window in approaching Cancer, and a cure can be found soon.
Further you can see few postings at
vedic science.
All talks about chemistry only and not quoted about Gods and Goddess.