Drunvalo Melchizedek
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The war we are all involved in is a war between to forms of energy/thoughts.two forms of behavour. the only way the war will ever be won is when we all realize that not one thought originates from us. the only power we have is the power of choice. we must choose what thoughts we want to live through us, by choosing the thoughts we want to manifest through us we become those thoughts.there were two seeds planted in the garden/mind. thoughts are seeds as well as angels. Angels are the messagers of GOD...Thoughts are commandments...If you love me you will follow my commandments. you will follow my way of thought or thinking. there is only one true energy allowing a second form to exist. when your a gardener and a seed sprouts up that you did not plant do you remove it or allow it to grow to see what it will develope into. when both are fully grown you can see if the foreign seed will produce good fruit or bad fruit... beauty as good could be said to be in the eyes of the beholder.woe to you who call wicked good and good wicked..you must become what you want from others..we are about to be bombarded like never before fron negitive thoughts, guard your houses/minds..make sure what ever you let into your mind is what you want to become.. the wolves are on their way...we have heard the term the boy who cryed wolf or chicken little the sky is falling ...well its here.. may the God of your choosing bring you swiftly into being what you want to be or manifest.