Over a month ago I completed a half marathon.I typically can run 6-7 miles so 6 weeks before a half I increase my distance over time.The day after this run I felt sore, but attributed this to aging,I am 39.The second day after the run I could barely get out of bed.I had a pain down the right side of my lower back that ran through to my hamstring.All symptoms pointed toward sciatica (which I had never had) so upon recommendation I headed to the chiropractor.
The chiropractor was terrific, she did xrays and scans and believed that I may be suffering form a rotated sacrum.The xrays however did not show much trouble with the spine,including the sacrum.It was suggested that I begin a 6 month treatment of chiro.I began going 3 times a week and recently have cut back to twice a week.After a few adjustments I really was feeling great, but soon an inflammation began in my left foot, just below the big toe.I had experience this same inflammation almost twenty years ago when I first graduated from college.I was treated with anti-inflammatories, the pain persisted for 8 months and then poof - it went away over night.I was bothered by this reoccurence because I was not looking forward to another 8 months (or more) of foot pain.So, I went to a podiatrist who gave me a cortizone shot and pulled some fluid from the joint. The lab results came back negative and while for the most part the shot did the trick, I can still feel a twinge of pain.All the while the back is feeling much better, just a little tightness and a little soreness.
With my cortizone shot in my foot and my back feeling much better I went out for run. It was miserable - my muscles felt tight and overworked (I only lasted 2 miles) and I was so cautious that I tweaked my ankle on a curb. Two days later my ankle swelled and it reamins swollen almost a full two weeks later. I really began to think I was losing my mind.I was/am feeling terrible and now finding myself depressed because none of this made sense. I began to read Dr. Sarno's book, "Healing Back Pain" and all the signs pointed to my condition as being TMS. I was so relieved and was ready to take on my brain and have a good talking to it.I cancelled my chiro appts and cancelled my podiatirst appt and gave in fully to the idea that I am suffering form TMS. Now,I have a tremendous pain in my neck and shoulder area.It reminds me of the gas pains you feel after C-section surgery and it scares me a little. I know that Dr. Sarno mentions in his book that pain can travel and when your back starts to feel better then your neck and should might feel bad. So I am redirecting my focus mentally, I just don't want to be missing something more serious.I would be thrilled if this all sounds like a classic case of TMS, but I don't want to overlook symptoms of something that may be more threatening.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The chiropractor was terrific, she did xrays and scans and believed that I may be suffering form a rotated sacrum.The xrays however did not show much trouble with the spine,including the sacrum.It was suggested that I begin a 6 month treatment of chiro.I began going 3 times a week and recently have cut back to twice a week.After a few adjustments I really was feeling great, but soon an inflammation began in my left foot, just below the big toe.I had experience this same inflammation almost twenty years ago when I first graduated from college.I was treated with anti-inflammatories, the pain persisted for 8 months and then poof - it went away over night.I was bothered by this reoccurence because I was not looking forward to another 8 months (or more) of foot pain.So, I went to a podiatrist who gave me a cortizone shot and pulled some fluid from the joint. The lab results came back negative and while for the most part the shot did the trick, I can still feel a twinge of pain.All the while the back is feeling much better, just a little tightness and a little soreness.
With my cortizone shot in my foot and my back feeling much better I went out for run. It was miserable - my muscles felt tight and overworked (I only lasted 2 miles) and I was so cautious that I tweaked my ankle on a curb. Two days later my ankle swelled and it reamins swollen almost a full two weeks later. I really began to think I was losing my mind.I was/am feeling terrible and now finding myself depressed because none of this made sense. I began to read Dr. Sarno's book, "Healing Back Pain" and all the signs pointed to my condition as being TMS. I was so relieved and was ready to take on my brain and have a good talking to it.I cancelled my chiro appts and cancelled my podiatirst appt and gave in fully to the idea that I am suffering form TMS. Now,I have a tremendous pain in my neck and shoulder area.It reminds me of the gas pains you feel after C-section surgery and it scares me a little. I know that Dr. Sarno mentions in his book that pain can travel and when your back starts to feel better then your neck and should might feel bad. So I am redirecting my focus mentally, I just don't want to be missing something more serious.I would be thrilled if this all sounds like a classic case of TMS, but I don't want to overlook symptoms of something that may be more threatening.Any advice would be greatly appreciated.