Targeted by Tripadvisor
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Has anyone else feel like tripadvisor is biased and is targeting you?
We have. All of a sudden we went from 61 reviews, ranked 7 out of 101 to 50 reviews, ranked 22 out of 101. The reviews that were removed were from 10 months ago, all removed in one day. Talked to tripadvisor "integrity team" member and hot the preverbal "can't say because of reviewer privacy".
During this same time customers were telling us that had been putting reviews on tripadvisor and it was not showing up. A bad review was written during this time from a customer that was asked to leave our establishment and it miraculously showed up. Why did the positive reviews NOT show up but the negative ones show up less than 8 hours.
I feel that tripadvisor is a racket and show be legally looked at for slander and misreporting facts.