Taurus is considered as the starting sign for all business and commercial activities as per Hindu Astrology (see Sarvato Bhadra Chakra) represented by a BULL (Bull/Bear of Stock Market ???).
This discussion is limited to Vishesha (Special) Dhana Yoga
(planetary mapping indicating good bank balance) formed as a result of Venus and Moon, being in 3rd/11th of each other.
According to Maharshi Parashara, Moon in 3rd of Venus OR Venus in 3rd of Moon gives rise to this Special Yoga. It assumes greater significance when Taurus happens to be one of the signs involved.
Consider Venus in Taurus (in own house). For the above Yoga to be formed, Moon should be in Cancer (3rd from Venus). Here, Moon too, would be in its own house. When both the planets are in their own houses, the Yoga becomes formidable.
Consider Moon in Taurus (Exaltation sign for Moon) and Venus in Cancer. This combination becomes more formidable than the former, for Moon and Venus are involved in an EXCHANGE of signs.
This particular Yoga has been verified in thousands of cases and results in a decent bank-balance throughout the life time
I still recall vividly - as a young lad of 10 - on seeing a news report in the Times of India 1960 - about a beggar leaving behind a huge bank balance of about 160000 Rupees -
A beggar and a Lakhpati ! My father told me that he could be having the above referred Special Yoga. I wanted to test it out. I could get the date of birth of the native from the concerned bank and asked my father to explain the planetary positions. Thus began the story of checking out this Yoga and till date, I have checked out over a thousand and it really works ! It caught my fancy because it is so simple and straight forward. You don't even have to cast a horoscope to figure this out. It is enough if the distance between Moon & Venus is in the range of 45 to 75 degrees.
What makes this Yoga work ? Is it because Venus - an earthy planet signifying all comforts of life and Moon - a watery planet (traces of water confirmed by CHANDRAYAAN - ha-ha) come together to make life(?) possible ?
I would like to add here that the presence of this Yoga gave an indication only about the bank-balance and was not related to an individual's happiness/nature/living-standards.
Some time back, I tried starting a discussion in this forum but was snubbed out with a statement that "Astrology is a load of crap". Well, this is a simple Yoga. Check it out !!
It will work 100% - no ifs and buts - pretty straight.
For those without this Yoga, please be informed that there
are other Yogas too which denote wealth (but not throughout life).
TAURUS - a fixed sign - owned by Venus (flirty?)- the sign where favourite of Chandra (Star Rohini) is located. One can say for sure, the most desirable among the fixed signs.
This discussion is limited to Vishesha (Special) Dhana Yoga
(planetary mapping indicating good bank balance) formed as a result of Venus and Moon, being in 3rd/11th of each other.
According to Maharshi Parashara, Moon in 3rd of Venus OR Venus in 3rd of Moon gives rise to this Special Yoga. It assumes greater significance when Taurus happens to be one of the signs involved.
Consider Venus in Taurus (in own house). For the above Yoga to be formed, Moon should be in Cancer (3rd from Venus). Here, Moon too, would be in its own house. When both the planets are in their own houses, the Yoga becomes formidable.
Consider Moon in Taurus (Exaltation sign for Moon) and Venus in Cancer. This combination becomes more formidable than the former, for Moon and Venus are involved in an EXCHANGE of signs.
This particular Yoga has been verified in thousands of cases and results in a decent bank-balance throughout the life time
I still recall vividly - as a young lad of 10 - on seeing a news report in the Times of India 1960 - about a beggar leaving behind a huge bank balance of about 160000 Rupees -
A beggar and a Lakhpati ! My father told me that he could be having the above referred Special Yoga. I wanted to test it out. I could get the date of birth of the native from the concerned bank and asked my father to explain the planetary positions. Thus began the story of checking out this Yoga and till date, I have checked out over a thousand and it really works ! It caught my fancy because it is so simple and straight forward. You don't even have to cast a horoscope to figure this out. It is enough if the distance between Moon & Venus is in the range of 45 to 75 degrees.
What makes this Yoga work ? Is it because Venus - an earthy planet signifying all comforts of life and Moon - a watery planet (traces of water confirmed by CHANDRAYAAN - ha-ha) come together to make life(?) possible ?
I would like to add here that the presence of this Yoga gave an indication only about the bank-balance and was not related to an individual's happiness/nature/living-standards.
Some time back, I tried starting a discussion in this forum but was snubbed out with a statement that "Astrology is a load of crap". Well, this is a simple Yoga. Check it out !!
It will work 100% - no ifs and buts - pretty straight.
For those without this Yoga, please be informed that there
are other Yogas too which denote wealth (but not throughout life).
TAURUS - a fixed sign - owned by Venus (flirty?)- the sign where favourite of Chandra (Star Rohini) is located. One can say for sure, the most desirable among the fixed signs.