The Asiatics
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Just wanted to confirm that we are Asiatics and I can prove it. My father was a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America located in Washington DC for years. My daddy died April 06 a true believer of Islam. Before he passed, we lived in Arlington Va., and everybody know's this is the common wealth state. Well, my father last wish was that his race not be recorded as negro, colored, African American or black. When I filled out the death certificate and put Asiatics down as his race, lord and behold,it was accepted as a true race. This only confirmed what I was alway's taught as a child, That we are decedents of Morrocans born here in America. Everything my father every told me about where we came from was all true. I never doubted anything he told me anyway. In the end, My father was the first Moorish American in the Washington area to be buried according to the creed and pricipals of our forefathers.

Thank you
replied to:  Daddygirl1
Replied to:  Just wanted to confirm that we are Asiatics and I can...
Islam Young Sister.

That was very well put. Keep Up the good work. And tell everyone that you meet. And always tell these lost sons and daughters here in north america, that is Prophets Noble Drew Alis Movement. The Prophet is the Law, here in the this Divine Movement of North America. And tell them if its
not in the Holy Koran of the MSTA, the Divine Constitution and By Laws, or the 101 Questions for Moorish Americans, it is not MOORISH SCIENCE.

Last but not least there are some Study Groups in the Virginia area, and a Temple #52 in Baltimore MD.

Peace Iam Your Brotherman
replied to:  SilentBrotherhood
Replied to:  Islam Young Sister. That was very well put. Keep Up...
Islam Mo,

I am aware of Temple #52 in Baltimore, my father was very familiar with Temple #52 as well, you may even know him. I will alway's be true to who I am and I will never stop talking because Asiatics and Moslems need to know the truth about who they are. I had the best teacher ever so I can definately carry the message to anyone who want's to listen. When I do give people an insight as to what I know about my nationality and there's as well, and where we originated from, they are truly amazed and so am I. How can you not know about your history, how do people just accept what they are told and not what they know. My father taught me to be a seeker of the truth and that's exactly what I am. My father's child.

You are so right about the Divine Constitution and By Laws, mines is never to far away as well as my circle 7.