I would like bill turnbill to look at this I think that the death of the bee's is due to the magnetic fields that means mobile phone mast and Wi Fi.I have been sent this document and it is called the big bee death.Directly or indirectly bees are responible for around one third of all human food production.since without pollination,agricultural produce such as fruit veg, but also grains for feeding live stock cannot thrive.We already know that the extinction of bees can lead to considerable complications.How ever warning reports in the swiss daily newspaper Tagesanzeiger and in the t.v programme 10 vor were immediatly countered by the Neue Zurcher Zeeitung with denials and an all clear the headline bees live longer.Yet why is it that American farmers are already trying to pollinate their orchards with the help of giant ventilators?Who is telling the truth? the politician I do not think so money talks and the well being of the wildlife and the general public means nothing.Not when there is mega bucks to be made from the mast