War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
The Taliban is a diversion - this war is really about Pakistan
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Let's face it, the Taliban is just one group of extremists in a part of the world where extremism is not exactly in short supply.

We are routinely told that the reason to keep fighting this war is to prevent the Taliban from gaining power and providing sanctuary for Al-Qaeda. This is a smokescreen. The intelligence agencies know that Al-Qaeda is thriving in Pakistan and they have no desire pack up and move to Afghanistan (or anywhere else for that matter).

This war is about trying to maintain a semblance of stability in Afghanistan's nuclear neighbor, Pakistan. If we leave Afghanistan, we have much less leverage in Pakistan and extremists would likely gain influence.

Maybe keeping Pakistan stable is a worthy goal, but it's time the war planners came clean with the public about why we're really there.
replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Let's face it, the Taliban is just one group of extremists...
I'm no fan of B.S. either, but it's a delicate situation. If the administration came clean about the true intent behind the war, there would be a lot of Pakistanis who wouldn't be too happy. Pakistan has a strong anti-America element which would be strengthened if the truth was told.
replied to:  tbone
Replied to:  I'm no fan of B.S. either, but it's a delicate situation....
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replied to:  crazyman2
Replied to:  Let's face it, the Taliban is just one group of extremists...
After 9/11 President Bush said "This changes things. The
war on terror isn't like past conflicts. We're going to
have to rethink, retool, and in many instances create
new strategies to fight this war."
Afghanistan is one of many fronts we've chosen to fight
that war. It's a valuable strategic asset and worth
keeping. I think you're right about Pakistan. But I dont
think the war planners need to tell us everything. Getting
too specific about operations can sometimes compromise them.
I think there is far too much oversight of our miltary
and intelligence operations. Keep them in Afghanistan
and keep the press out.
replied to:  pHoeNixOP
Replied to:  After 9/11 President Bush said "This changes things. The war on...
You want to win in Afghanistan? Take all the tribal, governmental, and religious leaders, and simply kill them. Let the civil war thin out the ranks and creat a new power vaccume. Those that rise to the top, we simply tell them what we did and explain that the same thing can happen again if they do not comply.
replied to:  regan1112
Replied to:  You want to win in Afghanistan? Take all the tribal, governmental,...
You're quite right. In earler replies to other contributors
I said essentially: 1. Afghanistan is an important strategic
asset. 2. It needs to be secured. 3. An occupation by US
Forces is necessary, not only to secure it, but use it as
an effective tool to fight terrorism. In effect, we own it.
Its ours. The Occupation would include these details:
1. "Relocation" centers would be established to house the
native population of Afghanistan.
2. The centers would be located near to each other and near
to the Center for Occupation Operations.
3. They would provide essentials(water, housing, food) and
be run by our Military Police.
4. It will not house "tribal,governmental,religous(drug lords)leaders. They'll be summarily executed. Without
ceremony or warning.
5. The Supreme Commander will be a 4 Star Marine or Army
General. He will be chosen by The Joint Chiefs and The
President. They will be the only ones he answers to.
6. The Supreme Commander's mission will be to securethe
country and retool it to our needs.
7. The task is essentially like taming the west after our
civil war. Afghanistan no longer exists.
8. Its our Manifest Destiny.
Wars aren't over just because one side lays down its arms.
The victors have the task of managing the spoils.On our
terms. The invasion of Iraq was supposed to mark the beginning of our new military strategy. It would be
proactive,rather than retroactive. Iran and Afghanistan
were defeated militarily. We are in the process of giving
them back because the Bush and to a lesser degree Obama
administrations chose not to manage the spoils.
It's Preposterous!!!!!!!Bush takes pride in bringing democracy to the Iraqis .Wow.One man one vote means even
less in Iraq than it does in the US. Blackwater should run
Afghanistan,not the Obama PR firm.