Hello everyone
This discussion will be about a variety of topics and beliefs and is for open minded individuals. I encourage everyone to qualify all facts with researchable proof.
some the topics I have in mind include:
Myth and mythology, biblical prophecy, secular prophecy, galactic structure and function, the four recognized forces of nature (weak and strong nuclear force, electromagnetism and gravity),world history, ancient history, geological records, fossils and archeology, cosmic radiation, dust and gas, astrophysics in regards to the placement of our solar system in relationship to the galaxy,metaphysics and faith
there are many more things as well.
this is not about christian bible prophecy alone nor am I promoting some new kind of religious terror.
this discussion is open and honest and based on fact
welcome to the insanity of the sane
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Hello everyone
This discussion will be about a variety of...
Hi Dawn!
I'm here! Anyway, do you ever read any of the works by Zacharia Sitchin? I have read "The Book of Enki," and the first two "Earth Chronicle" volumes. I also read one other book by him, but I don't remember what it was called. He's really fantastic when it comes to putting these references you mentioned in perspective, so I look forward to our dialogues.
replied to: NKingston
Replied to: Hi Dawn!
I'm here! Anyway, do you ever read...
Hi Nono
I haven't read these books. You reference Sumerian myth. Can you elaborate?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Hi Nono
I haven't read these books. You reference Sumerian...
Actually, based on the evidence presented in the books of Sitchin, what we call myths are actually based on facts that evolved into myths due to the Anunnakis, one half of our biological ancestors, packing up and leaving in their "shems," as the Bible refers to them. The other half of our ancestry probably no longer exists in Southern Africa, the bipedal, indigenous creature from which we get our animal instincts, and for which reason Darwin's concept is understandable, although inaccurate. Anyway, his works are extremely interesting and extremely worthy of our attention, NOT BECAUSE they are fascinating but because the Sumerian codex explains a lot of mysteries that without the codex such mysteries would be interpreted by mere speculation.
The Book of Genesis refers to a lot of facts that we find in the Sumerian tablets as well. The giants in Genesis 6 were not giants at all... well maybe, but that's not what the Hebrew word actually means. The Hebrew word means "those who came down."
Anyway, you'll really be intrigued because of the evidence presented, the biographical references provided, and the application that is given to things we always knew or at least already learned about... in a fairly primitive light.
replied to: NKingston
Replied to: Actually, based on the evidence presented in the books of Sitchin,...
Okay...here goes nothing....
I have information you may find interesting regarding the physical history of this planet and the solar system that converges with your theory of aliens and may explain most if not all myths and legends about lost civilizations, arks, floods, fires, giants, megalithic structures, Egyptian gods, Viracocha, Sumerian legends etc.
I will start by saying...the theory of black holes as destructive is only half correct. Check out Fred Hoyle's steady state theory. He is partially correct in this theory but misses some vital points. Paul La Violette (read this author) has cornered the other part of this theory. combine the two and we are far closer to the truth.
the center of our galaxy is occupied by a black hole but we cannot see this blackness, it occluded by radiant energy and dust.In fact there is no picture of the blackness of a black hole. All visual evidence is of extreme luminosity. This is because the singularity is not only eating information (matter and energy) but it is converting the old information into new information and spewing it back out. Also, the concept that light cannot escape a singularity is wrong. While some particles of light ARE eaten by a singularity, some are simply not massive enough to be drawn in. This accounts for the ability of gravity to bend light but not slow its speed.
while the speed of light is constant, this is not the speed limit. Relativity is wrong. Back to the structure and purpose of the galaxy.
Usually, the galactic core singularity eats and burps out rewritten information the way an active volcano constantly dribbles out magma. (think Hawaii) Occasionally, the singularity eats something so large that it explodes instead of dribbles or burps. There is evidence in the geological, sedimentary, and ice core records of these explosions. I believe the Permian extinction was the result of one of these.
the effect of these large scale core events on our sun is dramatic and catastrophic. I can discuss these effects in depth but I have already begun to do so under the global warming thread/galactic core explosions.
the last major core event occurred about 41k years ago. I believe this event was responsible for the Pleistocene extinction.
I believe this event also ended another civilization located on Mars by tearing away the lowered magnetic field that once protected that planet as ours does here.
I further think that a previous core (maybe as early as Permian era here) event also devastated Mars and greatly weakened their magnetic shield and provoked them into seeding THIS planet with cro-magnon, possibly a combination of genetic code between the mars race and the evolving ape structure already here.
the core event of 41k, end of Wisconsin ice age, eliminated Mars as a living world. Some of the survivors came here and began the civilization we have today. Some fled elsewhere and have revisited from time to time appearing as angels or gods or prophets or seers.
this is not idle fantasy Nono. I have science to back up these theories. I think, when we get to Mars we are going to find a great deal of water locked in permafrost beneath a thick coating of dust. I believe, beneath that, we may find evidence of the lost civilization recorded in myth and legend.
the story of the ark is the story of a spaceship and it probably is in the Himalayas if it's still here.
the builders of Tiahuanaco,the Nazca lines, the pyramids, stone henge, were survivors not from a lost civ on THIS world, but on another world.
this is why there are as many people on this planet that believe in aliens as believe in God. It's racial memory of our lost home, or the lost home of ancient civ builders
this is why civ appears to rise from nothing in ancient Summer
what do you think?