There are some country unaffected by global warming?
replied to: JERWIN
Replied to: There are some country unaffected by global warming?
I don't think so, although some less polluted countries are bound to be less affected
replied to: mmh1516
Replied to: I don't think so, although some less polluted countries are bound...
China is experiencing a very cold time in it's history. We read in the media, that they are polluted. The USA is experiencing a very cold time (same northern latitudes) in its recent history. Many things similar to the 'Priora Oscillation', occur on earth over it's lifespan. Humans do not control the earth as much as they want to believe. Profit and Political Power (Control) are gained by 'Fear and Crisis' techniques, regulation, and restriction. Ask (you can't, they are controlled by a Tyrant) North Korean Subjects, if you do not believe this.
replied to: JERWIN
Replied to: There are some country unaffected by global warming?
The idea that any part of the planet could remain unaffected by the planet's weather, which is what I assume you mean by GLOBAL warming, is not well thought out. I'm going to take the meaning to be more...are there areas on the planet less affected by these seemingly hostile climate changes? To that I would say yes but there is no static climate anywhere on the planet. There never has been. there never will be. Second law of thermodynamics...everything changes. The only recourse is adaptation.
replied to: JERWIN
Replied to: There are some country unaffected by global warming?
Well global warming affects every single country in this world however some countries are taking strict action to stop producing carbon. surely they will get less affected. Some other organization either these Corporate or NGO are also contributing a lot in reducing the Global Warming affects. Organizations like Solar Hot USA ( are also doing very well by encouraging the usage of Solar Energy in our daily life.