Throw Away the Razor! Advantages of Laser Hair Removal
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There are many ways to remove unwanted hair and most individuals make their choice on which method to use for very personal reasons. Most clients of Colorado laser hair removal centers who have tried laser hair removal never go back to any other method. Just to bring it all together, here is a breakdown of various hair removal methods and their advantages and disadvantages.


Shaving has been the most widely used method of hair removal since this practice began. It is very inexpensive and painless. It does, however, produce only very temporary results as the hair is only cut off at the skin’s surface and does not involve the hair follicles at all. Another side effect of shaving is the razor burns that can result if moisturizers are not applied to the skin before shaving. While easy to do, shaving must be done often and even daily in some cases. There are also numerous ongoing costs for razors, lotions, creams, etc.


After shaving, waxing is probably the next most popular method of hair removal, mainly because fairly large areas can be done at once. Waxing can be extremely messy if it is done at home, and it is often hard to get consistent results. Waxing is more successfully completed at a salon or spa. Lasting effects of waxing are longer than shaving, but noticeable hair regrowth will likely
be seen between three and eight weeks.


Depilatories are basically creams or lotions that you apply to the skin to dissolve hair away. They work well for legs, underarms and the bikini area, but are not recommended for use on the face. While they do work quickly, using depilatories can be quite messy and some people are put off by the very medicinal scent of the creams. Allergic reactions are quite common with people who have sensitive skin.


If an individual has only a small area that needs hair removal, such as the upper lip or eyebrow, electrolysis may provide a good solution. The results of this type of hair removal are very long lasting, but several treatments will be necessary to produce desired results. The biggest disadvantage to electrolysis is that the procedure is quite painful and very time consuming.


Laser hair removal is by far the most permanent, most effective and most easily done type of hair removal. It is also best suited for removal of unwanted hair from larger areas, such as the chest or back. It is definitely the up and coming method of choice for most people who are willing to pay a little more for a procedure that gives so much in return. There are several types of lasers which can be used for treatments, and some are more effective than others. Individuals should always consult openly and honestly with a professional to find out how treatments will be administered and what type of lasers will be used.

Rachel Clarkson
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