Does it matter if Usama Ben-Laden is really dead?
replied to: D1vidRab
Replied to: Does it matter if Usama Ben-Laden is really dead?
Yes ofcourse didn't you know about the U.S. economy that it gained much profits since Osama died...I agree that most people are comfortable with osama being dead...but my point is who killed him ???
I dont think that the U.S. government killed him because if so they would show us many pictures instead of faking an old one...
my theory that he was suffering from liver failure and died 2 or 3 years ago and when the U.S government knew about it ..they wanted to play the hero card...
replied to: D1vidRab
Replied to: Does it matter if Usama Ben-Laden is really dead?
Yes it does and your stupid to think it doesnt
replied to: chillylame
Replied to: Yes it does and your stupid to think it doesnt...
The Che Guevara was a failure during his lifetime, just as Jesus was also! By becomming martyrs they became finally effective for their causes! Is there a new religion about to come to new pious subjects based on Ben-Laden as a martyr-prophet such as the others mentioned? What do you think? Are the US Seals doing the will of God to create a new populist religion throughout the polyfragmented Islamic aggregation of so many various sects and cults that by the sword will unite them again into a new Caliphate following the Abbasid principles? Are the currently widespread protesting street-Arabs about to cause the equivalent of the effect of the Protestant Reformation on Christiany into a parallel and similar event in Islam? Why is Allah allowing these doubt-full times that confuse the faithful, to even occurr? Is there not enough room for any more souls in Paradise and/or Hell? Are new alternatives required because of a an increase of souls available? What are the relative capacities of Heaven and Hell? Will Angels and Devils with no-vacancy signs be assigned? Stay in contact for the answers to these important questions from the wisecracks arizing from this forum followers!
replied to: D1vidRab
Replied to: Does it matter if Usama Ben-Laden is really dead?
Yes it does. And now the filthy little monkey IS dead!!