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My father recently passed away as many WWII are these days. And like a lot of them he never really told us anything about the war. I am in the process of decifering his movements by using his log books from WWII. If anyone has any information or ideas about how i can secure more detailed infomation it would be greatly appreciated. My father was awarded 2 air medals, and the distinguished flying cross. However im quickly starting to understand that the DFC was passed of pretty regularly.
He was recalled for the Korean War and was flying F9F Panters, and training pilots. A lot of interesting history just want to know everything about him as I am writing a chronical for my brothers and sisters.
replied to: majormcgrath
Replied to: My father recently passed away as many WWII are these days....
Was your father involved with "Operation Flintlock" ?
Was he with the VMF-422?
My son is working on a project about "The Flying Buccaneers"
replied to: Popkornpam
Replied to: Was your father involved with "Operation Flintlock" ?
Was he with...
No im sorry he wasn' fathers time in the pacific was from Decmber 44 till october 45. My father was involved in the invasion of Okinawa, and strikes on Kyushu (southern Japan). I hope ur son the best of luck with his projrct
replied to: majormcgrath
Replied to: No im sorry he wasn' fathers time in the pacific was...
Was your father in VMF-422
What was his name?
I may have photos.
My dad was the co of 422 during Dec 44 thru the end of 45
replied to: Popkornpam
Replied to: Was your father involved with "Operation Flintlock" ?
Was he with...
Hi what is your fathers name? I have a lot of info about VMF422
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Hi what is your fathers name? I have a lot of...
My father was Bill Lindamood, known as Lindy to the squadron. My father passed away at 91 in December 2011. His foxhole buddy Dave Datry still lives in Atlanta, the last survivor of the "Lucky 7" tent on Engebi. Jan 6 2012.
replied to: sonofvmf422vet
Replied to: My father was Bill Lindamood, known as Lindy to the squadron....
Any photos would be appreciated, BTW. I have only a precious few that look like bad copies of the photos of others. Pilot Mark Syrkin had a camera, I believe.
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Was your father in VMF-422
What was his name?...
Any photos would be appreciated, BTW. I have only a precious few that look like bad copies of the photos of others. Pilot Mark Syrkin had a camera, I believe.
replied to: sonofvmf422vet
Replied to: Any photos would be appreciated, BTW. I have only a precious...
Yes Paul was the historian for VMF 422 the lost squadron.
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Yes Paul was the historian for VMF 422 the lost squadron....
Was Dave with VMF 422?
Do you know when your father left the squadron? Was it in December 1944?
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Was Dave with VMF 422?
Do you know when your...
Do you have Dave Datry's address or contact info?
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Was Dave with VMF 422?
Do you know when your...
Yes, Dave Datry was in VMF-422. He's in Atlanta now.
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Do you have Dave Datry's address or contact info?
Try Let him know Mark Lindamood sent you, and ask him to mail me to close the loop.
replied to: sonofvmf422vet
Replied to: Try Let him know Mark Lindamood sent you, and...
I will let you know.
I am at
replied to: sdewsdew
Replied to: Hi what is your fathers name? I have a lot of...
My husband was John S MacLaughlin III, son of Major John S MacLaughlin Jr who was the squadron commander on the ill fated mission in 1944. We had little to no information about what really happened until just recently when they produced the documentary which aired tonight on KOCE ch 50 in southern CA. We still have few photos. If anyone has some or knows who does I would like them for our grandchildren.
replied to: jemaclaughlin
Replied to: My husband was John S MacLaughlin III, son of Major John...
My uncle, John Lincoln, was a member of 422 when they had to ditch at sea. I recently did a summary of his Marine Corps experience from 1942-1974 as I am trying to get a bridge named in his honor. In the process I requested his military records. I remember a letter from whom I believe was your husband's grandmother looking for John's address after the war. I presume she wanted to see if he knew any more about the accident. If you have any more info on the documentary I would appreciate it. I do remember a crew came to interview my uncle on this subject, not sure if it was the same group.
Thank you-Mark
replied to: marklincoln
Replied to: My uncle, John Lincoln, was a member of 422 when they...
Looking forward to the upciming dedication on the 20th