Gun politics in the United States
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Why do we kill each other?
replied to:  seikemans62
Replied to:  Why do we kill each other?
Thats a really good question
i think its cuss there are too many ppl
who piss a person off and then some get bullied

so that leads to killing or getting back.
i was there once but my doc helped me.
replied to:  bloodymurder420
Replied to:  Thats a really good question i think its cuss there are...
The reason the scientific community beleives is that the person who kills someone does it because of a chemical imbalance in the indivguals brain. In short they do it because thats what there brain tells them to do and they can't fight it.
replied to:  DrAStanglPhD
Replied to:  The reason the scientific community beleives is that the person who...
In a way maybe. You may believe we are leading ourselves into our own destruction but the truth of the matter is that we have always killed each other. There are your serial killers yes, they are effed up, no lie. But we all have the capacity to kill. We all want more than we have. Our doctors kill patients by giving them too many prescriptions (this goes for the Pharmacies too, if not more, not treating patients as people jsut as another name more paperwork, another $300 oxycodone prescription),because they will get paid for each one they write. Wives kill abusive husbands. Sometimes the other way around as well. Kids in turbulent neighborhoods will kill for money, status, protection, food. If you had to kill to save your life, your wife, your kids, or even a bunch of strangers, would you? I can at least tell you one thing, when it comes down to it, you would have the capacity to kill.
replied to:  bloodymurder420
Replied to:  Thats a really good question i think its cuss there are...
I think that anyone who has a weapon is a coward it shows that they can't fight without haing a weapon to do it.

And they only think it would make them look harder but they are wrong

By bloodymurder420

My name is connor
replied to:  seikemans62
Replied to:  Why do we kill each other?
Because they wan't people to think they are hard by killing them and get loads of friends but they don't have to do it that way do they.

The thing is they forget about the punnishment which would be jail.

But people wouldn't have to go to jail if they didn't do them things.

Good by Connor
replied to:  Kane
Replied to:  I think that anyone who has a weapon is a coward...
Connor,man has always made weapons since the dawn of time.In the USA they now are encouraging a thing called the castle doctrine where a home invader is cleared to be cut down with lethal force.The CCW (CONCEALED CARRY WEAPONS) law of president bush republican party involved a thing called "shall issue permit" this meaning that if you are not a mental patient or a convicted violent criminal the local sheriff is obliged to issue the applicant with a CCWpermit.This law has seen the number of armed people grow by many hundred of thousands and there are so many succesful shootings in pursuit of self defence that few are reported by the anti -gun papers and tv stations.In the vast majority of these uses of lethal force the sheriff simply says "well done!" and the gun is not taken of the legally armed citizen.In arizona and i think new england you are allowed to carry a gun in open view as well as this the person with a gun is always wise to carry a good knife.The traditional arms of scotland pre.the seventeen forty-six disarmament by the westminster govt.were the all- metal flintlock pistol(also found in albania).the highland dirk-a long-bladed knife and the sghian dhu ,a short bladed dagger regards CCserxRGF
replied to:  Kane
Replied to:  I think that anyone who has a weapon is a coward...
Well i think ur full of it. just because some one has a weapon dont mean they are a coward maybe there is a reson for it and if ur the one to find out that they have that wepon then ur doing sompthing wrong to begin with......