I am only very new to the subject of whale beachings & would love to find out more. I am lead to believe that whales orientate themselves by magnetic energy in the ocean. Can Radio activity from foregin objects (such as testing on nuclear weapons etc) cause these whales to become disorientated ???
or is it the ABC's 'scientific' research saying that it is purely just the wind causing cooler currents to head north hence the whales following them?
If anyone has insight please let me know.
replied to: Mishka
Replied to: I am only very new to the subject of whale beachings...
Hi Mishka. I grew up in Rabaul New Guinea and I learnt many things from the natives and one was about Whales & Dolphins.
Whales and Dolphin have very sensitive sonar to navigate through oceans and this can be interupted severely by underwater seismic activity such as pending earthquakes. The sound is very irritating to these creatures just as a dog whistle is to a dog, this is why whales and Dolphin beach themselves to simply get out of the water and away from the sound. It is quite common for both whales and dolphins to beach together in mass pods. When this happens there is usually a large earthquake or underwater volcanic activity in that part of the region that they beach themselves not long after. This is how the natives knew about pending earthquakes and volcanos when the whales and Dolphin and sharks left the area. They would move from their villages to safer ground and survived many tsanami's because of whales beaching. Its the same on land, if you see ants moving their little white eggs up to a higher place in the tree or your house, you can bet the floodwaters in a day or so will rise up to about a foot or so under where the ants moved their eggs. Nature tells us what we want to know not mans science. Just need to learn how to read natures messages. I did! I hope this has been helpful to you.
Kind regards