What are the parts involved in Environmental impact assessment process
replied to: KKgirl
Replied to: What are the parts involved in Environmental impact assessment process
The parts involved in the EIA process are generally termed the main stages of the process. They include:
1. screening: This involves a site meeting between the proponents (owner of the project), technical experts and relevant regulatory/government institutions (e.g. environmental protection officials, natural resources, public health, social affairs, etc.) to discuss the likely environmental, biophysical and socio-economic impacts of the project and any considerations for the project.
2. Scoping: this is carried out to determine to be addressed in the EIA study. It thus leads to the drafting of the Terms of Reference to guide the assessment.The terms of reference should generally be aggreed on between the proponent (one undertaking the EIA study) and the regulatory institution e.g. the EPA, EIA Commission etc.
3. the actual EIA: the findings of the EIA is compiled into a report called the Environmental Inpact Statement or EIS in which all associated impacts of the project are clearly identified, assessed and mitigation programmes put in place to curtail any adverse impacts. It is also worth to note that the impacts of the existing environment is considered in the EIA.