Lewis and Clark Expedition
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What city did the lewis and clark expedition begin in?
replied to:  tayterbug
Replied to:  What city did the lewis and clark expedition begin in?...
The Louis and Clark expodition started in the city of St. Louis between the Missouri and Mississippi river's.
replied to:  missylizzy123
Replied to:  The Louis and Clark expodition started in the city of St....
Missy , sorry but that answer is wrong. Capt Lewis and Clark spent the winter of 1803-04 at Camp River DuBobois in Illinois at the mouth of the Wood River, in Illinois, just opposite the mouth of the Missouri river. "DuBois" is French for "of the Woods". They departed the Camp on May 14th 1804 and the mouth of River DuBois is considered the starting place of the expedition. Here is the actual account written in the Journals of Sgt. Ordway:

"Monday May the 14th 1804. Showery day. Capt Clark Set out at 3 oClock P. M. for the western expedition. one Gun fired. a nomber of Citizens see us Start. the party consisted of 3 Sergeants & 38 Good hands, [8] which maned the Batteaux and two pearogues. [9] we Sailed up the Missouri 6 miles & encamped [10] on the N. Side of the River"

Heere is Clarks account of the start of the Expedition

May 14, 1804

"Set out from camp River a Dubois at 4 oClock PM and proceed up the Missouris under Sail to the first Island in the Missouri and Camped on the upper point opposit a Creek on the South Side below a ledge of limestone rock called Colewater* made 4 1/2 miles, the party consited of 2, Self one frenchman and 22 men in the boat of 20 ores, 1 Serjt. & 7 french in a large Perogue, a Corp and 6 soldiers in a large Perogue, men in high spirits . I determined to go as far as St. Charles a french village 7 Leags.*** up the Missourie, and wait at that place untill Cap. Lewis Could finish the business in which he was obliged to attend to at St. Louis and join me by land from that place 24 miles; by this movement I calculated that if any alterations in the loading of the Vestles or other changes necessary, that they might be made at St. Charles." Clark

There is a State interperetive center built a little south of the present day "River Dubois" in Illinois that commemorates the expedition complete with a reconstructed Camp Dubois. Here is their website:
