replied to: belanna
Replied to: What actually is ATP?
ATP is adenosine triphosphate known as energy currency because it stores energy.
replied to: galaxaura
Replied to: ATP is adenosine triphosphate known as energy currency because it stores...
It is then used to drive various body functions
replied to: belanna
Replied to: What actually is ATP?
ATP is adenosine triphosphate .. We find ATP in mitiochondria which is used for storing Energy..It stores 95% Energy ..
replied to: melintur
Replied to: It is then used to drive various body functions
ATP is ADP (2 phosphates)+ an extra phospate. Energy is used to bond the 3rd phosphate to the 2nd. When the bond between the second and third phosphates, energy is created.
replied to: jespea86
Replied to: ATP is ADP (2 phosphates)+ an extra phospate. Energy is used...
When the bond between the 2nd and 3rd IS BROKE. Forgot that part... :(