It is contemplated that every living objects has its own/self/intrinsic gravity that acts as 'invisible foundation' upon which functionality of physiological or genetically induced mechanisms of living organisms is carried out.
Gravity is the basic force that acts on 'mass'. In the lower strata of Biological Particle heirarchy or Pyramid (electron, proton, neutron> atom> molecules> compound> organelles), nuclear and electromagnetic forces are the stronger binding forces. With increase in mass beyond organelles (Cells> tissue> organs> organ systems> organism) self gravity (even may negligible in terms of magnitude, but phenomena wise may mimic larger mass) could be the stronger binding force acting as 'invisible bowl' in the living particle pyramid.
(1) Living organism without 'mass' is impossible to imagine.
(2) Biological growth is an increase in 'mass' (either hyperplasia or hypertrophy).
(3) Basal metabolic rate (BMR) i.e. uptake of Oxygen molecules per hour is dependent on 2/3 or 3/4th of 'mass' that generate (a frictional type) force over 'invisible foundation or bowl' to recognize as living (metabolic energy versus gravitational energy).
(4) Body mass Index (BMI) or Quetelet index (weight/height= density of the mass/ volume that provides variation in gravitational attraction), a measure of health at the particular age (age could be the capacity to generate metabolic energy to keep balance with the contemporary gravitational energy)
(5) Metabolically inert infrastructure (MII) or co-moving fluids could act as buoyant (up thrust or side thrust) force, opposite to the force of 'invisible foundation' or gravitational energy.
(6)Weight is so far considered as an indication of Body Surface Area (BSA) that is used to measure renal function- glomerular filtration rate (GFR), to calculate cardiac index (cardiac output/BSA), Chemotherapy & Glucocorticoid dosing. The calculation could be straightened on substituting 'weight' as measure of 'gravitation' (as weight cannot be measure of surface 'area').
Why Newton’s apple itself is round? Why three rice seedlings transplanted in bunch get common round canopy at the end of vegetative & reproductive phase?
Why human body is obsessed centrally at the abdominal region due to accumulation of visceral fat? Why fat should find place in the ‘middle’ instead of going down on ‘feet’, as per gravitational attraction of earth?
Similar anomalous various interpretations in biology can get proper light with 'Self Gravitation Bio' or on studying Biomechanics of Intrinsic Gravity.
Gravity is the basic force that acts on 'mass'. In the lower strata of Biological Particle heirarchy or Pyramid (electron, proton, neutron> atom> molecules> compound> organelles), nuclear and electromagnetic forces are the stronger binding forces. With increase in mass beyond organelles (Cells> tissue> organs> organ systems> organism) self gravity (even may negligible in terms of magnitude, but phenomena wise may mimic larger mass) could be the stronger binding force acting as 'invisible bowl' in the living particle pyramid.
(1) Living organism without 'mass' is impossible to imagine.
(2) Biological growth is an increase in 'mass' (either hyperplasia or hypertrophy).
(3) Basal metabolic rate (BMR) i.e. uptake of Oxygen molecules per hour is dependent on 2/3 or 3/4th of 'mass' that generate (a frictional type) force over 'invisible foundation or bowl' to recognize as living (metabolic energy versus gravitational energy).
(4) Body mass Index (BMI) or Quetelet index (weight/height= density of the mass/ volume that provides variation in gravitational attraction), a measure of health at the particular age (age could be the capacity to generate metabolic energy to keep balance with the contemporary gravitational energy)
(5) Metabolically inert infrastructure (MII) or co-moving fluids could act as buoyant (up thrust or side thrust) force, opposite to the force of 'invisible foundation' or gravitational energy.
(6)Weight is so far considered as an indication of Body Surface Area (BSA) that is used to measure renal function- glomerular filtration rate (GFR), to calculate cardiac index (cardiac output/BSA), Chemotherapy & Glucocorticoid dosing. The calculation could be straightened on substituting 'weight' as measure of 'gravitation' (as weight cannot be measure of surface 'area').
Why Newton’s apple itself is round? Why three rice seedlings transplanted in bunch get common round canopy at the end of vegetative & reproductive phase?
Why human body is obsessed centrally at the abdominal region due to accumulation of visceral fat? Why fat should find place in the ‘middle’ instead of going down on ‘feet’, as per gravitational attraction of earth?
Similar anomalous various interpretations in biology can get proper light with 'Self Gravitation Bio' or on studying Biomechanics of Intrinsic Gravity.