What is the climate like in the Gobi desert?
replied to: JordPwn
Replied to: What is the climate like in the Gobi desert?
The Gobi is a cold desert; frost and sometimes snow can be found there.
replied to: hanso
Replied to: The Gobi is a cold desert; frost and sometimes snow can...
It's cold because it's quite far north, and is also 1520 m above sea level.
replied to: JordPwn
Replied to: What is the climate like in the Gobi desert?
As we know that the gobi desert is the large desert in the asia.and the variations accur in the climate of the gobi desert.but according to my knowledgethe the climate of the gobi desert in the summer its around about 45 degree and in the winter its about the minus 42 degree.