What is the distance (and travel time) from Mussoorie to Dharmasala?
replied to: knuthamsun
Replied to: What is the distance (and travel time) from Mussoorie to Dharmasala?...
I dont know but i do know that you will have a wonderful time and if you are lucky the dalai lharma will be there because he loves to shake your hand. you have to que up for hours unless you are one of the early ones but its worth it just for one smile from that inspirational man.
i recomend staying in amritsa if you go where you can visit the golden temple. it also has a hotel with room for 20,000 people and it costs 65p to stay there. thats about $0.89 for a night and you get free food. dhal rice mango chutney popadoms and chapati yum. all cooked there but you do your own washing up. buy a tuc tuc if you can drive all the way to little lharsa and when you are done find a poor person and give it to them. you just gave them a taxi and a job. your merit will be huge but we dont do it for that.
i hope you have a great time. all the best
tony... oops, i mean unkytone.
replied to: unktone
Replied to: I dont know but i do know that you will have...
How much does a tuc tuc cost? What does it cost to just hire one? Thanks for the other info.
replied to: knuthamsun
Replied to: How much does a tuc tuc cost? What does it cost...
I dont think it costs more than 40 rs for an hour
Trisha Mathur