What is the distance between manhole covers on streets of Brooklyn N.Y.?
replied to: canton19
Replied to: What is the distance between manhole covers on streets of Brooklyn...
I'm amazed to see this query since I thought I was the only one in the universe interested in this number. My interest stems from my belief that I was the only kid in the borough of Brooklyn (McKibben St./Manhattan Ave.), if not the world, who could punch a ball a distance of three sewers in the game of punchball, preferably using a well-worn tennis ball. In fact, my user name on AOL (when I was with AOL) was threesewerman. I'd be interested to know why this distance is of interest to you.
replied to: Warkram
Replied to: I'm amazed to see this query since I thought I was...
For basically the same reason. I was stickball champ of my block but I never knew how many feet I hit the ball. I only knew sewers. Do you know the answer?