What was Roland's relationship like with his father? was his father abusive?
replied to: blackrainbows
Replied to: What was Roland's relationship like with his father? was his...
Goodness,I hope not.It tends to put one on my proverbial 13th floor!It doesn't always necessarily follow but from what I can deduce from his personality I'm guessing he's stable, although confusingly, there are a lot of TFF songs that centre around pain and negativity, even the band name is of a 13th floor nature! If his father had been abusive,the chances are, he too would turn out to be abusive which doesn't go with the fact that he has managed to sustain a marital relationship from a very young age,and that is a rarity in itself.I'm afraid I can only offer you my opinion and not a direct witout doubt correct answer.And I can't even give you a picture,maybe Papillon.Don't know yet.
replied to: Papillon66
Replied to: Goodness,I hope not.It tends to put one on my proverbial 13th...
Yes Papillon did make an appearance.And she's about to again!