What would you want to say to him?
replied to: bryelle07
Replied to: What would you want to say to him?
Personally I think I'd ask him why he cut off his ear. (Actually, I heard rumor that Gaugin cut off the ear! Crazy!)
replied to: bryelle07
Replied to: What would you want to say to him?
If I could be face to face with Vincent,.. I'd asked why the hell did you put so much faith and trust in your family members and your art dealing brother, along with his and your art colleagues? All they wanted was you out of their way and hair, with your assumed ridiculousness about ideas of the art world and the way that it should be ran. Yes Vincent,... you wouldn't have had to cut off your ear for me to hear with,.. for I can hear with my own and see everything you are saying to the world in all of your works of art, just as in the words of the song "Vincent" by Don McClain.