Tony Wakeford
Why are you reviewing this old fascist?
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Frankly it is beyond belief that you are promoting this man, given his long history as a fascist.
Having tried for years to shake off his fascist history (being a founder member of far-right bands Death in June, Above The Ruins, Sol Invictus, and one-time National Front member) with feeble denials that he is any longer a fascist, Wakeford has continued to work with fascist bands and consort with fascists.

Wakeford's career proper started in the late seventies in the Socialist Workers Party-associated punk band Crisis. Once Crisis was disbanded, Wakeford along with his Crisis colleague Douglas Pierce went on to form Death in June in 1981, a band of very different political hue. DIJ made a dreary kind of post-industrial folk, and are often seen as the progenitors of the neo-folk movement. The group's lyrics and imagery directly referenced Nazi Germany, they dressed in camouflage, blackshirt, decorated record sleeves with Nazi symbols - Totenkopf, the Whip-Hand and runes and wrote songs with titles like "Rose Clouds of Holocaust". Even the band's name referenced the Nazi "Rohm Putsch" against the Brownshirts in June '34.
Extraordinary as it seems Wakeford was sacked from the band in '84 for his membership of the National Front, the largest fascist (and racist) party in Britain at the time. Wakeford went on to form a new fascist band called Above the Ruins, named in reference to the Italian "ultra-fascist" philosopher Julius Evola's post-war political polemic "Man Amongst The Ruins". Above the Ruins featured bass player Gary Smith of Neo--Nazi skinhead band No Remorse and contributed a track to the NF benefit album No Surrender Volume 1, alongside Nazi skinhead bands like Brutal Attack and Skrewdriver. The band recorded on e.p. Songs of the Wolf, and then changed their name to Sol Invictus to escape the controversy stirred up by their fascist politics. Despite this band co-founder Ian Read was photographed at a Nazi meeting as late as 1990.
Wakeford has in fact continued to collaborate, in one form or another, since the formation of Sol Invictus, with Death In June, David Tibet (Current 93), Boyd Rice, Rose Rovini E Amanti, Richard Moult, While Angels Watch, Amber Asylum, Gregorio Bardini, and others who are either outspoken fascists or people who collaborate, consort, or flirt with fascists and fascism. Despite this Wakeford has tried to put space between himself and far-right politics and finally, in 2007 he made this statement on his label Tursa's website, and on his Myspace profile:

"For the few who are interested in such things, 

Many years ago I was a once a member of the National Front. It was probably the worse decision of my life and one I very much regret.
However, I have no connection with, sympathy for, or interest in those ideas nor have I had for around 20 years.
A number of friends and musicians whom I work with (including my wife of 8 years), my bass player, my percussionist and engineer/producer, would be at best discriminated against or at worse dead if a far-right party took power.
None of the artists I work with hold such views either, and I doubt they would want to work with me if they thought I did.
I am willing to discus this matter privately with friends and associates and with those who are genuinely interested in my music or wish to work with me.
However, this is the last public statement I plan to make on the subject. I am too fat to jump through hoops for people.
In the end people will either have to believe me or not".
Tony Wakeford
14 February 2007

Just about every statement made here is a transparent lie. Look at who is on the recent compilation release on Tursa/Kaparte "With Friends Like These".
I really despair at how unbelievably credulous people are about this horrible old fascist fraud.
Jack Spot
replied to:  JackSpot36
Replied to:  Frankly it is beyond belief that you are promoting this man,...
Gregorio Bardini is a pure christian libertarian. He's sure anti-nazi and anti fascist!!!