Why is gun control so controversial?
replied to: edimonk
Replied to: Why is gun control so controversial?
Many people believe that gun control laws violate our constiutional right to bear arms. Others believe that high rates of gun violence justify more restrictions on firearms.
replied to: wellis
Replied to: Many people believe that gun control laws violate our constiutional right...
Modern firearm technology has made the issue of gun control more complicated. Today we have weapons that our Founding Fathers could never have dreamed of.
replied to: edimonk
Replied to: Why is gun control so controversial?
Because america was borne from slavery we were being enslaved by a tyrant power and left them to start a new life.(The tea party)Our forefathers said it best,"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
-- Thomas Jefferson -Letter to William S. Smith, Paris, Nov. 13, 1787
The said Constitution [shall] be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press, or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms."
-- Massachusetts' U.S. Constitution ratification convention, 1788 James Madison, of Virginia:
replied to: belanna
Replied to: Modern firearm technology has made the issue of gun control more...
If we weren't so violent we wouldn't need guns to "defend" ourselves. You don't need a Tec-9 to kill deer.
replied to: ColumbineKid
Replied to: If we weren't so violent we wouldn't need guns to "defend"...
Well put my Friend and excellent Point made!
replied to: ColumbineKid
Replied to: If we weren't so violent we wouldn't need guns to "defend"...
If you take the tech nines...where does it end?
you don't need much more than a car to kill a deer.
enforce the gun laws on the books if you like but it won't change much about gun crime. Criminals don't pay attention to laws.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: If you take the tech nines...where does it end?
you don't...
I beleive that any indivgual who wants to own a gun for protection should be able to and I understand why the law only lets police fully automatic weapons so we can't "overpower" them.
Dr. Stangl
replied to: DrAStanglPhD
Replied to: I beleive that any indivgual who wants to own a gun...
The basic flaw of "gun control," is that it doesn't take into consideration that citizens of the counrty live in different geographical areas/different social stuctures.
If you live in a rural area, firearms are often used as a
means of defending oneself, used to take animals as food,
used to eliminate feral animals,ect.
In metropolitan/suburian areas, local governments are usually responcible for providing these "services.
In the Midwestern United States, firearms are perceved as tools, ie: tractors, pickup trucks,ect.
In certain states, where the population is crammed together, in communities, the local/state governments assume
that the general population is to uneducated/ignorant to exisist, without constant oversight, without constant supervision: "Gimme, gimme. Sure, I'll forgo some personal
civil rights, in exchange for "security.""