Why is there so much controversy surrounding human cloning?
replied to: dbrunner
Replied to: Why is there so much controversy surrounding human cloning?
The ethical implications of human cloning are vast. Ethical questions include, does the clone have a human soul?
replied to: skjames
Replied to: The ethical implications of human cloning are vast. Ethical questions...
There could be disastrous social consequences if human clones were engineered by despotic types.
replied to: skjames
Replied to: The ethical implications of human cloning are vast. Ethical questions...
If all humans have a soul the the answer is yes absolutely. The means that lead up to the beginnings of human life is irrelevant intentional or by chance. Identical twins occur when a fertilized splits. In essence it makes a copy of it self. What was designed to be a single life becomes two. Does the original embryo have all claims on the soul and the copy get none. If there is any doubt about this subject may I suggest you approach a set of identical twins and ask them which one is soulless.
replied to: Atherant
Replied to: There could be disastrous social consequences if human clones were engineered...
People are scared of change and the unknown. Same reason religion and the concept of the afterlife were created~
replied to: dbrunner
Replied to: Why is there so much controversy surrounding human cloning?
Human cloning can't be avoided.Humans surely are going to clone , in the near future.We couldn't help it, due to the inquisitive nature of us humans.We better start thinking of ways to prevent it from getting into wrong hands.