Why we don't understand each other?
Global warming it is our problem. Stop waste petrol!!!
replied to: cazaresulina
Replied to: Why we don't understand each other?
Global warming it is our...
Global Warming is a hoax - junk science. The earth has cooled & warmed itself over millions of years and it still functions......the global warming mantra is the new battle cry of the disappointed Left, when their hopes and dreams of a "new world order", disappeared with the demise of the Soviet Union....try getting a "life."
replied to: cazaresulina
Replied to: Why we don't understand each other?
Global warming it is our...
Yes,we should stop wasting our environment.
replied to: cazaresulina
Replied to: Why we don't understand each other?
Global warming it is our...
Actually i agree with soldier kind of anyway
look im 11 and i dont think glbal warmings coming fast
i personally think that its still ages and long away
thats my opinion and i respect what you think
replied to: soldier
Replied to: Global Warming is a hoax - junk science. The earth has...
U r right