Pojulu people
Wonduruba, its people and who they are.
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Dear readers,

I am a Pojulu from Wonduruba. First of all, it is a great pleasure to start voicing reality of who we are as people of Wonduruba. To start touching bits about Wonduruba, there have been issues that rised before Southern Sudan wage a war against the North dominated governments in Sudan. These issues continued to grow and ripen in 90s. Today, the people of Wonduruba who were praised for being peaceful people are now praised for evil actions against their own brothers and sisters. Though I live millions of kilometers away from home, the world of these days has become as simple as a small village especially through the communication technology. The name Wonduruba and Pojulu can come up on any website and hips of matters come up too. Recently the media was full of stories of people reporting about Wonduruba people killing themselves for political reasons, money, personal interests etc.

In every information I read, the problem of Wonduruba is said to be a dilemma of whether they belong to Lainya county or to form a newly created county that include Nyangwara. As we live, we know who we are, we know our cultures, our language, our ethnicity and where we belong to. What happens these years that made us think we are not Pojulu? I believe we have elements among ourselves who have created hatred and divisions among us. As someone wrote else where on the Pojulu forum that Wonduruba wants to live a second class life, it is true we the people of Wonduruba want to leave second class life under other people. Why are we surrendering our rights of belonging and insist on going to join other people and be called supporters rather than being the founders or owners of our own county?
replied to:  jlukudu
Replied to:  Dear readers, I am a Pojulu from Wonduruba. First of...
Dear people who think that the administration of others are on his control,things has come to an end. belief me or not one day one night people of wonduruba will achieve their goals and losers become losers as i repeated the word.lujang lomeling Gindalang Lomuro. Many people wants to become politician but there are still young as me.