I'm conducting research on doctor-patient relationship. The purpose of this research is to investigate and explore the kinds of views, opinions, attitudes and expectations held on doctor-patient relationship by users and non-users of alternative medicine and remedies (e.g. herbal vitamins and minerals, reflexology, aroma therapy etc) and examine the differences between them.
For instance as an alternative medicine and remedies user myself of mainly propolis, colloidal silver and hemp seed oil and apple cider vinegar and honey as a body detox I am very much for being in control of my own health and obtaining medical and treatment information over the Internet as opposed to going to the doctor and 'following doctor's orders' in order to get better. However my views, opinions and attitudes may differ to other alternative medicine and remedies users and particularly non-users (i.e. people who do go to the doctor and use mainstream/conventional medicine only).
Therefore I would really appreciate it if you could please take a few minutes out of your day and complete a short survey by clicking on or copying and pasting the link below
into your web address browser. Your time would be most appreciated and successes of the research project all the more worthwhile. Thank you for your time.
For instance as an alternative medicine and remedies user myself of mainly propolis, colloidal silver and hemp seed oil and apple cider vinegar and honey as a body detox I am very much for being in control of my own health and obtaining medical and treatment information over the Internet as opposed to going to the doctor and 'following doctor's orders' in order to get better. However my views, opinions and attitudes may differ to other alternative medicine and remedies users and particularly non-users (i.e. people who do go to the doctor and use mainstream/conventional medicine only).
Therefore I would really appreciate it if you could please take a few minutes out of your day and complete a short survey by clicking on or copying and pasting the link below
into your web address browser. Your time would be most appreciated and successes of the research project all the more worthwhile. Thank you for your time.