Kelly's Heroes
Kelly's Heroes

Kelly's Heroes is an offbeat 1970 war film about a group of enterprising World War II American soldiers.
- Directed by Brian G. Hutton. Written by Troy Kennedy Martin.
- To a New Yorker like you, a "Hero" is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers!
- Always with the negative waves Moriarty, ALWAYS with the negative waves!
- Oh, don't hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning.
- I'm drinkin' wine, and eatin' some cheese and catchin' some rays, y'know!
- [After Big Joe calls Oddball's column of trucks a circus] Take it easy, Big Joe. Some of these people got sensitive feelings!
- [After being told by Kelly not to be late] If we're late, it's because we're dead.
- [In response to Big Joe asking him why he isn't helping his crew fix the tank] Oh Man! I just ride in 'em, I dunno what makes 'em work.
- There you go, more negative waves! Have a little faith, baby! Have a little faith...
General Colt
- Booker! I say, Booker! The old man was just on the line. Says I've broken through an entire front! Why wasn't I told?
- Well get the ionosphere the hell off the air, and get them on!
- Seems, Booker? Elements of the 321st and the 35th? I mean who's pushin' them in there, and WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?
- [To his officers] You're the ones supposed to be fightin' this battle, and you don't even know where the hell it IS! Well, I'll tell you where it is! It's thirty miles BEYOND where you THOUGHT it was, Booker! Come on, now, let's get this army of mine back in the war!
- [Upon seeing Kelly] Wait, Kelly, wait. Will you listen to me a second? Will ya listen to me! It's not me, I tell ya, it's not me! I - I can't tell one shell from another, they all look alike! They all look alike. If was me, if I could tell, would I be here? WOULD I BE HERE?! I wouldn't be here, Kelly!
- A prop-proposition?
- Kelly: Well, what do you think, Oddball?
- Oddball: It's a wasted trip baby. Nobody said nothing about locking horns with no Tigers.
- Big Joe: Hey look, you just keep them Tigers busy and we'll take care of the rest.
- Oddball: The only way I got to keep them Tigers busy is to let them shoot HOLES in me!
- Crapgame: Hey, Oddball, this is your hour of glory. And you're chickening out!
- Oddball: To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of weird sandwich, not some nut who takes on three Tigers.
- Kelly: Nobody's asking you to be a hero.
- Oddball: No? Then YOU sit up in that turret baby.
- Kelly: No, because you're gonna be up there, baby, and I'll be right outside showing you which way to go.
- Oddball: Yeah?
- Kelly: Yeah.
- Oddball: Crazy... I mean like, so many positive waves... maybe we can't lose, you're on!
- Big Joe: According to this map, we got a river to cross before we get into this town of yours.
- Kelly: Well, there's a bridge right here, six miles out.
- Big Joe: There was a bridge. The Air Corps knocked every bridge out of that river months ago.
- Kelly: Uh-uh, intelligence reports the Air Corps knocking 'em out by day and the Germans rebuilding 'em by night. Now, all we have to do is be there by tomorrow morning at dawn and we got ourselves a bridge.
- Big Joe: Oh! Well, how about the German army? Do you think they'd mind us crossing their bridge there, eh, Kelly?
- Kelly: Probably.
- Big Joe: You know something, Kelly? I think you're crazy. Better yet, I think I'm crazy! How the hell I ever let you talk the guys into this?! Push 30 miles behind enemy lines, take a bridge held by the Germans and then go into a town we don't know how many German soldiers are guarding!
- Kelly: Well, I figure there's between 30 and 40 troops in that town.
- Big Joe: All right, how'd you figure that?
- Kelly: Well, it's of no military importance, it's not big enough for a garrison-
- Big Joe: You still didn't answer the question! How'd you figure 30 or 40 men?
- Kelly: Because that's the normal amount of support for three Tiger tanks.
- Big Joe: Tigers? Where'd the hell the Tigers come from?!
- Kelly: Well, that's why we have Oddball and his Shermans.
- Big Joe: Does he know about the Tigers?
- Kelly: Not yet, no.
- Big Joe: You bet your sweet ass he doesn't, or he'd be still on that funny-farm of his! He may be nuts, but he's not crazy enough to put Shermans up against Tigers! You know once those things get rolling, they'll blow that whole town to pieces, including us, Kelly!
- Kelly: Oh, you're too smart to let that happen, Joe.
- Big Joe: Oh, wow...
- Kelly: You'll figure us a way in and out of that town, and I know you've got a good head for tactics.
- Big Joe: Yeah? And I intend to keep it right here, on my shoulders, Kelly!
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