...on Television
"...on Television" or "...on TV", was a long running late-night television programme on ITV. The programme featured a number of clips from unusual or, (often unintentionally), amusing television programmes and commercials from around the world. The show was fronted initially by Clive James
Clive James
Clive James, AM is an Australian author, critic, broadcaster, poet and memoirist, best known for his autobiographical series Unreliable Memoirs, for his chat shows and documentaries on British television and for his prolific journalism...

, then by Keith Floyd
Keith Floyd
Keith Floyd was a British celebrity chef, television personality and restaurateur, who hosted cooking shows for the BBC and published many books combining cookery and travel...

, and finally by Chris Tarrant
Chris Tarrant
Christopher John "Chris" Tarrant, OBE is an English radio and television broadcaster, now best known for hosting the first version of the television game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in the United Kingdom and later Ireland, as the two national versions of the show merged in 2002.Chris...

. The show was named "Tarrant on TV", for 16 years.

The show started off in 1982, hosted by the Australian television critic and satirist Clive James
Clive James
Clive James, AM is an Australian author, critic, broadcaster, poet and memoirist, best known for his autobiographical series Unreliable Memoirs, for his chat shows and documentaries on British television and for his prolific journalism...

. However, when Clive defected to the BBC, a new replacement host was needed and so celebrity chef Keith Floyd
Keith Floyd
Keith Floyd was a British celebrity chef, television personality and restaurateur, who hosted cooking shows for the BBC and published many books combining cookery and travel...

 was brought in for one series of six episodes in 1989 before Chris Tarrant took over in 1990.

For the tenth anniversary in 1992 Tarrant would present the compilation series Tarrant's Ten Years of Television (later 10 Years on TV), which showed clips of the past five series and specials, and sometimes included extended footage that was unsuitable for transmission in the original show.

Tarrant on TV showed bizarre clips from all over the world but most notably from the far eastern countries of Japan and Korea. Clips vary from a Japanese crying contest, a Japanese contraception advert and the Japanese TV show Za Gaman
Za Gaman
was a Japanese television show from the 1980s. It is not particularly well known or remembered in Japan, but it became famous in other countries, particularly Britain, due to its appearance on the British television programmes Clive James on Television, and subsequently Tarrant on TV under the name...

in which contestants must endure the most pain, to a profane North Korean propaganda film, and an advert showing eggs being fired from the bottom. Tarrant on TV also covered the more violent and unusual shows of the Jerry Springer Show. Many of the clips viewers may find offensive often display nudity, strong language, crude or dark humour and violence.

One rather bizarre test Tarrant tried in his early presenting was to bring on special guests, and Hollywood-star Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks
Mel Brooks is an American film director, screenwriter, composer, lyricist, comedian, actor and producer. He is best known as a creator of broad film farces and comic parodies. He began his career as a stand-up comic and as a writer for the early TV variety show Your Show of Shows...

 was willing to appear in a show on 4 April 1992. Brooks only agreed to appear as to claiming that he loved British television and was lucky to see Clive James On Television after being given copies by friends in the UK.
Tarrant and Brooks (who somehow knew Tarrant from spending time watching British television on visits) focused the episode on different types of humour in Sweden, America and Israel.
The episode went well and both were pleased with the completed show, but owning to copyright issue payments of the clips themselves, LWT said it would be too expensive to also pay for a guest each week and the idea was shortly dropped and remembered as a one-off.

In 1996, Clive James decided to return to hosting the programme, but found he would have to do a spin-off series as Tarrant was making his name clear. Clive James on TV ran for two series in 1996 and 1997, and was fronted by Carlton Television
Carlton Television
Carlton Television was the ITV franchise holder for London and the surrounding counties including the cities of Solihull and Coventry of the West Midlands, south Suffolk, middle and east Hampshire, Oxfordshire, south Bedfordshire, south Northamptonshire, parts of Herefordshire & Worcestershire,...

 instead of LWT
London Weekend Television
London Weekend Television was the name of the ITV network franchise holder for Greater London and the Home Counties including south Suffolk, middle and east Hampshire, Oxfordshire, south Bedfordshire, south Northamptonshire, parts of Herefordshire & Worcestershire, Warwickshire, east Dorset and...

. The series was axed due to poor ratings.

At this time it's unknown if there's going to be a new series for the future as Tarrant has been in a recent scandal about his alcoholism, and has recently been presenting more gameshows for ITV
ITV is the major commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC, it is also the oldest commercial network in the UK...

 and Challenge. Many claim that the programme has ended after 20 years of material.

The theme tune used from 1996 - 2006 was Syd Dale
Syd Dale
Syd Dale was born in York, England. He was a self taught composer and arranger of funk, easy listening and library music. His music played an important role on TV, radio and advertising media of the 1960s and 1970s. It is still extensively used today.Syd Dale started as an apprentice engineer at...

's "The Penthouse Suite
The Penthouse Suite
The Penthouse Suite is a library music theme by the English composer Syd Dale.Written in the 1960s, and very redolent of that era, it is an upbeat, cosmopolitan theme featuring brass, wordless vocals and percussion over a string section. It has had a variety of uses, but became better known in the...


Shows from around the world

These are the shows that a majority of clips are taken from:
  • The Japanese TV show Za Gaman aka Endurance
    Za Gaman
    was a Japanese television show from the 1980s. It is not particularly well known or remembered in Japan, but it became famous in other countries, particularly Britain, due to its appearance on the British television programmes Clive James on Television, and subsequently Tarrant on TV under the name...

    (mainly in the Clive James shows and 10 Years on Television - best of show)
  • American comedy series The Man Show
    The Man Show
    The Man Show is an American comedy television show on Comedy Central. It was created in 1999 by its two original co-hosts, Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla, and their executive producer Daniel Kellison.-Format:...

    (Tarrant late 1990s–2000s)
  • The Jerry Springer Show
    The Jerry Springer Show
    The Jerry Springer Show is a syndicated television tabloid talk show hosted by Jerry Springer, a former politician, broadcast in the United States and other countries...

    (early 1990s, before the full show was broadcast by ITV
    ITV is the major commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 under the auspices of the Independent Television Authority to provide competition to the BBC, it is also the oldest commercial network in the UK...


Series Guide

  • Series 1 26 September – 31 October 1982
  • Series 2 23 October – 4 December 1983
  • Series 3 28 October – 2 December 1984
  • Special 5 January 1986
  • Special 29 March 1986
  • Special 28 June 1986
  • Special 28 December 1986
  • Special 1 January 1987
  • Special 19 April 1987
  • Special 11 October 1987
  • Special 1 January 1988
  • Series 4 5 March – 16 April 1989
  • Series 5 21 January – 25 February 1990
  • Special 30 December 1990
  • Special 4 January 1992
  • Special 4 April 1992
  • Special 11 July 1992
  • Series 6 (Tarrant's Ten Years of..) - 13 February - 20 March 1993
  • Special 26 September 1993
  • Special (Tarrant's Ten Years of..) - 17 September 1994
  • Special (Tarrant's Ten Years of..) - 24 September 1994
  • Series 7 (10 Years on..) - 19 March - 16 April 1995
  • Series 8 8 September – 13 October 1996
  • Series 9 4 January – 22 February 1998
  • Series 10 3 January – 21 March 1999
  • Series 11 4 January – 28 February 2000
  • Series 12 21 January – 18 March 2001
  • Special 25 March 2001 (Tarrant on CCTV)
  • Special 20 January 2002 (Tarrant on CCTV)
  • Series 13 3 May – 5 July 2002
  • Special 7 July 2002 (Tarrant on CCTV)
  • Series 14 12 September – 7 November 2002
  • Special 23 November 2002
  • Special 14 December 2002
  • Series 15 2 January – 25 May 2003
  • Special 5 May 2003 (Tarrant on CCTV)
  • Special 4 September 2003
  • Special 23 October 2003
  • Special 7 November 2003
  • Special 24 December 2003
  • Series 16 6 February – 22 March 2004
  • Special 13 May 2004 (Japan special)
  • Series 17 10 June – 1 July 2004 (The Best of... Series)
  • Special 5 July 2004
  • Special 31 August 2004
  • Series 18 8 October – 23 November 2004
  • Series 19 30 May – 27 June 2005
  • Special 5 October 2006
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