.ky is the Internet
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide...

 country code
Country code
Country codes are short alphabetic or numeric geographical codes developed to represent countries and dependent areas, for use in data processing and communications. Several different systems have been developed to do this. The best known of these is ISO 3166-1...

 top-level domain
Top-level domain
A top-level domain is one of the domains at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System of the Internet. The top-level domain names are installed in the root zone of the name space. For all domains in lower levels, it is the last part of the domain name, that is, the last label of a...

 (ccTLD) for the Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands is a British Overseas Territory and overseas territory of the European Union located in the western Caribbean Sea. The territory comprises the three islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman, located south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica...

. Registration is limited to residents and registered companies in the Cayman Islands, and a local address and phone number is required for the registrant and administrative contact. The Cayman Islands also has the international three letter code, CYM, and has won a bid to be awarded the .cym
.cym is a top-level domain that might be eventually be assigned to the Cayman Islands. The primary top-level domain used by the Cayman Islands is .ky. The Islands already have the international three letter code, CYM...

 domain name in a future expansion of the top level domain space.

Second level domains

Registrations are permitted directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath these names:
  • com.ky
  • org.ky
  • net.ky
  • edu.ky (restricted to educational institutions)
  • gov.ky (restricted to governmental entities)

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.