1978 Governor General's Awards
Each winner of the 1978 Governor General's Award
Governor General's Award
The Governor General's Awards are a collection of awards presented by the Governor General of Canada, marking distinction in a number of academic, artistic and social fields. The first was conceived in 1937 by Lord Tweedsmuir, a prolific author of fiction and non-fiction who created the Governor...

s for Literary Merit
was selected by a panel of judges administered by the Canada Council for the Arts
Canada Council
The Canada Council for the Arts, commonly called the Canada Council, is a Crown Corporation established in 1957 to act as an arts council of the government of Canada, created to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts. It funds Canadian artists and...


English Language

  • Fiction: Alice Munro
    Alice Munro
    Alice Ann Munro is a Canadian short-story writer, the winner of the 2009 Man Booker International Prize for her lifetime body of work, a three-time winner of Canada's Governor General's Award for fiction, and a perennial contender for the Nobel Prize...

    , Who Do You Think You Are?
    Who Do You Think You Are? (book)
    Who Do You Think You Are? is a book of short stories by Alice Munro, published by Macmillan of Canada in 1978. It won the 1978 Governor General's Award for English Fiction, her second win of that prize....

  • Poetry or Drama: Patrick Lane
    Patrick Lane
    Patrick Lane is an award-winning Canadian poet. He has written in several other genres, including essays, short stories, and is the author of the novel Red Dog, Red Dog.-Biography:...

    , Poems New and Selected.
  • Non-Fiction: Roger Caron
    Roger Caron
    Roger "Mad Dog" Caron is a Canadian bank robber and the author of the influential 1978 prison memoir Go-Boy! Memories of a Life Behind Bars...

    , Go-Boy! Memories of a Life Behind Bars.

French Language

  • Fiction: Jacques Poulin
    Jacques Poulin
    Jacques Poulin is a Canadian novelist with a quiet and intimate style of writing.Poulin studied psychology and arts at the Université Laval in Quebec City; he started his career as commercial translator and later became a college guidance counselor...

    , Les grandes marées.
  • Poetry or Drama: Gilbert Langevin, Mon refuge est un volcan.
  • Non-Fiction: François-Marc Gagnon, Paul-Emile Borduas : Biographie critique et analyse de l'oeuvre.
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