Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå
The Academy of Fine Arts at Umeå University
Umeå University
Umeå University is a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden. The university was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest within Sweden's present borders....

 is a Swedish
Sweden , officially the Kingdom of Sweden , is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden borders with Norway and Finland and is connected to Denmark by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund....

 art school
Art school
Art school is a general term for any educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts, especially illustration, painting, photography, sculpture, and graphic design. The term applies to institutions with elementary, secondary, post-secondary or undergraduate, or graduate or...

. It was founded in 1987 in a former factory by the river of Uman. Every year 12 new students are accepted to the school, and a total of 60 students currently study at the Academy. The school is part of the Umeå Arts Campus
Umeå Arts Campus
Umeå Arts Campus is the name of a former industry area that currently is being rebuilt to house several of the arts educations at Umeå University...


See also

  • Royal University College of Fine Arts
    Royal University College of Fine Arts
    The Royal Institute of Art is an institution in Stockholm, Sweden for higher education in art, founded in 1735. The school was part of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, until 1978 when it was made independent. It is under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.-External links:*...

  • Umeå University
    Umeå University
    Umeå University is a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden. The university was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest within Sweden's present borders....

  • Umeå Institute of Design
    Umeå Institute of Design
    The Umeå Institute of Design, UID, is an institute within Umeå University. UID opened in 1989 and is designed and equipped solely for the teaching of industrial design, transportation design, and interaction design...

  • Umeå Institute of Technology
    Umeå Institute of Technology
    The Umeå Institute of Technology or Tekniska högskolan i Umeå is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology at Umeå University. The Institute offers a wide range of study programmes, some of them not to be found in any other part of Sweden. Research in engineering is gradually being expanded...

  • Umeå School of Architecture
    Umeå School of Architecture
    Umeå School of Architecture was founded in 2009 as the fourth academic school i Sweden to provide a professional degree in architecture. It is part of Umeå University...

  • Umeå School of Business
    Umeå School of Business
    The Umeå School of Business, USBE, or Handelshögskolan i Umeå, is a collegiate business school at Umeå University in the north of Sweden. About 2000 students currently study at USBE. The School offers four Bachelor programs, seven Master's degree programs, EMBA-Prague program and doctoral programs...

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