All Saints' Church, Edmonton
All Saints' Church, Edmonton London is located in Church Street Edmonton
Edmonton, London
Edmonton is an area in the east of the London Borough of Enfield, England, north-north-east of Charing Cross. It has a long history as a settlement distinct from Enfield.-Location:...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...



All Saints is the parish church of Edmonton, formerly in the county of Middlesex
Middlesex is one of the historic counties of England and the second smallest by area. The low-lying county contained the wealthy and politically independent City of London on its southern boundary and was dominated by it from a very early time...

 and now in the London Borough of Enfield
London Borough of Enfield
The London Borough of Enfield is the most northerly London borough and forms part of Outer London. It borders the London Boroughs of Barnet, Haringey and Waltham Forest...

A church existed here by 1135-43 when Geoffrey de Mandeville
Geoffrey de Mandeville
Geoffrey de Mandeville is the name of several important medieval English barons:*Geoffrey de Mandeville , was one of the great magnates of the reign of William the Conqueror*Geoffrey de Mandeville, 1st Earl of Essex Geoffrey de Mandeville is the name of several important medieval English...

 gave it to Walden Abbey
Walden Abbey
Walden Abbey was a Benedictine monastery in Saffron Walden, Essex, England founded by Geoffrey de Mandeville, 1st Earl of Essex between 1136 and 1143. Originally a priory, it was elevated to the status of an abbey in 1190....

. It was completely rebuilt in the fifteenth century and has undergone many significant alterations since. In 1772 the exterior was clad in brick and all the tracery, except that of the chancel, was replaced with wooden window frames, William Robinson, the historian of Edmonton atttributes this to the fact that one of the churchwardens was a bricklayer, and the other a carpenter. At this point the church had only one aisle, on the northern side. Towards the end of the eighteenth century, galleries were installed; these were removed, along with the box-pews in a complete refurnishing of 1871.

In 1855, Ewan Christian
Ewan Christian
Ewan Christian was a British architect. He is most notable for the restoration of Carlisle Cathedral, the alterations to Christ Church, Spitalfields in 1866, and the extension to the National Gallery that created the National Portrait Gallery. He was architect to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners...

Victorian restoration
Victorian restoration is the term commonly used to refer to the widespread and extensive refurbishment and rebuilding of Church of England churches and cathedrals that took place in England and Wales during the 19th-century reign of Queen Victoria...

 the chancel; the tracery was replaced in stone in 1868, and in 1889, a south aisle and an organ chamber were added to designs by WG Scott. Inside, the nave roof and north arcade date from the fifteenth century, while the south arcade dates from the alterations of 1889.

At the west end is a fifteenth century tower in four stages.

External links

Notable burials

  • Charles Lamb Victorian writer
  • Mary Lamb
    Mary Lamb
    Mary Ann Lamb , was an English writer, the sister and collaborator of Charles Lamb.-Biography:She was born on 3 December 1764. In 1796, Mary, who had suffered a breakdown from the strain of caring for her family, killed her mother with a kitchen knife, and from then on had to be kept under constant...

    writer and sister of Charles Lamb
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