Alphonse A. Kolb
Alphonse Anton Kolb was a prolific artist creating sculptures and other art works ranging in size from medals to statues. For many years he worked for Bastian Brothers of Rochester, New York
Rochester, New York
Rochester is a city in Monroe County, New York, south of Lake Ontario in the United States. Known as The World's Image Centre, it was also once known as The Flour City, and more recently as The Flower City...

 and was the semi-official sculptor of the Rochester Numismatic Association
Rochester Numismatic Association
The Rochester Numismatic Association is a not-for-profit organization with an educational mission. The RNA was organized in 1912 by a group of local collectors to attract the American Numismatic Association's annual convention to Rochester, New York, USA. They met with success as the ANA did...



Born near Heidelberg
-Early history:Between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago, "Heidelberg Man" died at nearby Mauer. His jaw bone was discovered in 1907; with scientific dating, his remains were determined to be the earliest evidence of human life in Europe. In the 5th century BC, a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

 on December 5, 1893. Kolb studied art and sculpture in Munich
Munich The city's motto is "" . Before 2006, it was "Weltstadt mit Herz" . Its native name, , is derived from the Old High German Munichen, meaning "by the monks' place". The city's name derives from the monks of the Benedictine order who founded the city; hence the monk depicted on the city's coat...

, Germany
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

 and immigrated to the United States in 1913. He became a US citizen in 1918. He was a sculptor, designer, and engraver and worked for Bastian Brothers Co. striking metal dies for medals, plaques
Commemorative plaque
A commemorative plaque, or simply plaque, is a plate of metal, ceramic, stone, wood, or other material, typically attached to a wall, stone, or other vertical surface, and bearing text in memory of an important figure or event...

, and buttons for nearly 50 years. Kolb worked in clay, bronze, steel, wood, silver, and gold, and his works ranged in size from dime-size coins to plaques several feet high. His many works include designing and sculpting the medal for Rochester’s centennial in 1934, the medal commemorating the 1,000th meeting of the Rochester Numismatic Association
Rochester Numismatic Association
The Rochester Numismatic Association is a not-for-profit organization with an educational mission. The RNA was organized in 1912 by a group of local collectors to attract the American Numismatic Association's annual convention to Rochester, New York, USA. They met with success as the ANA did...

, the medal marking the association’s 50th anniversary in 1962, and many others. He was also responsible for a 1928 tablet on the Broad Street side of City Hall honoring pioneers who came to this area on packet boats. Kolb is credited with a 1932 plaque on the west side of Wilson Boulevard at the University of Rochester
University of Rochester
The University of Rochester is a private, nonsectarian, research university in Rochester, New York, United States. The university grants undergraduate and graduate degrees, including doctoral and professional degrees. The university has six schools and various interdisciplinary programs.The...

 in Rochster, New York bearing the words of The Genesee, the song honoring the Genesee River, written by Thomas Thackeray Swinburne, a UR graduate. In 1938, Kolb designed and sculpted the Civic Medal which is awarded annually by the Rochester Museum and Science Center for community service. In 1955, Kolb was himself the recipient of this award.]

At the age of 65, he decided to retire. He and his second wife, Kathryn, traveled for a time, but after her death in 1968, he decided to return to work. "I can’t be without my work," Kolb said. "It’s the best thing for me." Kolb was also a coin
A coin is a piece of hard material that is standardized in weight, is produced in large quantities in order to facilitate trade, and primarily can be used as a legal tender token for commerce in the designated country, region, or territory....

 and medal
A medal, or medallion, is generally a circular object that has been sculpted, molded, cast, struck, stamped, or some way rendered with an insignia, portrait, or other artistic rendering. A medal may be awarded to a person or organization as a form of recognition for athletic, military, scientific,...

 collector and had a rose garden at his home. He was a lifetime member American Numismatic Association
American Numismatic Association
The American Numismatic Association was founded in 1891 by Dr. George F. Heath in Chicago, Illinois. The ANA was formed to advance the knowledge of numismatics along educational, historical and scientific lines, as well as enhance interest in the hobby.The ANA national headquarters and museum is...

, the Rochester Numismatic Association
Rochester Numismatic Association
The Rochester Numismatic Association is a not-for-profit organization with an educational mission. The RNA was organized in 1912 by a group of local collectors to attract the American Numismatic Association's annual convention to Rochester, New York, USA. They met with success as the ANA did...

, and the Albany Numismatic Society. As a member of the Rochester Numismatic Association
Rochester Numismatic Association
The Rochester Numismatic Association is a not-for-profit organization with an educational mission. The RNA was organized in 1912 by a group of local collectors to attract the American Numismatic Association's annual convention to Rochester, New York, USA. They met with success as the ANA did...

, Kolb designed and struck dies for the medal awarded to the outgoing president of the organization bearing that person’s likeness. Kolb held this responsibility from 1920 to 1976, and was himself president of the organization in 1931.

Alphonse Kolb was married to Elfrieda L. Reichelt Kolb until her death in 1945. He later remarried, this time to Kathryn M. Yohann Kolb. Alphonse Kolb did not have any children by either of his marriages, though he was survived by nieces and nephews in Germany. Kolb suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died on March 30, 1983 at the age of 89.

External links

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