András Visky
András Visky is a poet, playwright and essayist and the resident dramaturg at Cluj-Napoca Hungarian Theatre
, Romania, where he also holds the position of associate artistic director. His plays have been staged in several countries including Romania, Hungary, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and the United States.
He has a DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) from the University of Theatre and Film, Budapest and since 1994 he has lectured at the Babeş-Bolyai University
in the Department of Theatre and Television. He is one of the co-founders and the former executive director of Koinónia Publishing.
); Visky was only two years old at the time. In 1964, his father and other political prisoners were released during a short-lived period of relative thaw in which the regime relaxed its repressive polices. Visky himself was released the same year along with his mother and siblings.
, the artistic director of the theatre. The pair have worked together on innumerable performances, including plays by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Ionesco, Caragiale, Gombrowicz and Beckett, and Tompa has directed Visky's Júlia, Tanítványok, Hosszú péntek, Visszaszületés and Alkoholisták. Visky has also worked with directors Dragoş Galgoţiu, Mihai Măniuţiu
, Robert Raponja, and David Zinder.
For the 2009-2010 academic year, Visky was the Spoelhof Chair at Calvin College
, Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he taught courses in playwriting and Hungarian and Romanian theatre.
2011 - Megöltem az anyámat (I Killed My Mother) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, created by Csilla Albert and Áron Dimény.
2010 - Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2010 - Juliet (English version of Júlia) - Theatre Y, Royal George Theatre, Chicago, directed by Karin Coonrod.
2010 - Backborn (English version of Visszaszületés) - Laboratory Theater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, directed by Stephanie Sandberg.
2010 - I Killed My Mother (English version of Megöltem az anyámat) - Theatre Y, Greenhouse Theatre, Chicago, directed by Karin Coonrod.
2010 - Green Relief - Grand Rapids Art Museum, as part of the Art Plays project curated by Austin Bunn, directed by András Visky.
2009 - Visszaszületés (Born for Never) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2009 - Naitre à jamais (Born for Never) - Festival d'Avignon
, where it won the award for best performance in the Off section, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2009 - Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) - Gárdonyi Géza Theatre of Eger, directed by Menyhért Szegvári.
2008 - Julieta (Romanian version of Júlia) - National Theatre of Iaşi, directed by Ioana Petcu.
2007 - Disciples (English version of Tanítványok) - SummerNITE Company, Elgin Art Showcase, Chicago, directed by Christopher Markle.
2007 - Júlia (Juliet) - Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe, directed by László Bocsárdi.
2007 - Hosszú péntek (Long Friday) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2006 - Disciples (English version of Tanítványok) - Laboratory Theater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, directed by Stephanie Sandberg.
2006 - Juliet (English version of Júlia) - SummerNITE Company - Theatre Y, New American Theatre, Rockford IL, directed by Christopher Markle.
2005 - Tanítványok (Disciples) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2005 - A szökés (The Escape), Tompa Miklós Company of the National Theatre of Târgu Mureş, directed by Éva Patkó.
2005 - Julieta (Romanian version of Júlia) - Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu.
2004 - A meg nem született (The unborn) - Vígszínház, Budapest, performed by János Kulka, with a guest performance in New York.
2003 - Vasárnapi iskola (Sunday School) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gyōrgy Selmeczi.
2002 - Júlia (Juliet) - Thália Theatre, Budapest and Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa. Special performances in Bucharest, New York, and Washington D.C.
2001 - Tanítványok (Disciples), Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen, directed by József Jámbor.
His other plays include FényÁrnyék (Light/Shadow) and Betlehemi éjszaka (Bethlehem Night), a children's play.
Thomas Vinterberg
, Mogens Rukov
, Celebration directed by Robert Woodruff
Róbert Lakatos, Cecília Felméri, Draculatour or The Brand Stroker Project directed by Róbert Lakatos
2010/2011 season
Albert Camus
, Caligula directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Marin Držić
, Dundo Maroje directed by Robert Raponja
Georg Büchner
, Leonce és Léna (Leonce and Lena) directed by Gábor Tompa
András Visky, Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) directed by Gábor Tompa
, Lüszisztraté, avagy a nők városa (Lysistrata, or The City of Women) directed by Dominique Serrand
2008/2009 season
Anton Chekov, Három nővér (Three Sisters) directed by Gábor Tompa
2007/2008 season
Danilo Kiš
, Borisz Davidovics síremléke (A Tomb for Boris Davidovich) directed by Robert Raponja
Henrik Ibsen
, Peer Gynt directed by David Zinder
Thomas Bernhard
, A vadásztársaság (The Hunting Party) directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
2006/2007 season
Énekek éneke (Song of Songs) directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
András Visky, Hosszú péntek (Long Friday) directed by Gábor Tompa
2005/2006 season
I. L. Caragiale, Az elveszett levél (The Lost Letter) directed by Gábor Tompa
András Visky, Tanítványok (Disciples) directed by Gábor Tompa
2004/2005 season
Carlo Goldoni
, A velencei terecske (The Little Square) directed by Mona Chirilă
2003/2004 season
Eugène Ionesco
, Jacques vagy a behódolás (Jack, or The Submission) directed by Gábor Tompa
2002/2003 season
Benjamin Britten
, György Selmeczi, András Visky, A vasárnapi iskola avagy Noé bárkája (The Sunday School or Noah's Ark) directed by György Selmeczi
2000/2001 season
William Shakespeare
, Romeo és Júlia (Romeo and Juliet) directed by Attila Keresztes
1999/2000 season
Samuel Beckett
, A játszma vége (Endgame) directed by Gábor Tompa
, A mizantróp (The Misanthrope) directed by Gábor Tompa
1998/1999 season
William Shakespeare, A vihar (The Tempest) directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
1997/1998 season
William Shakespeare, Troilus és Cressida (Troilus and Cressida) directed by Gábor Tompa
1996/1997 season
Eugène Ionesco, A székek (The Chairs) directed by Vlad Mugur
Mihály Vörösmarty
, Csongor és Tünde (Csongor and Tünde) directed by Tibor Csizmadia
1995/1996 season
Lope de Vega
, A kertész kutyája (The Gardener's Dog) directed by László Bocsárdi
Ferenc Molnár
, Liliom directed by István Kövesdy
Witold Gombrowicz
, Operett (Operetta) directed by Gábor Tompa
Péter Kárpáti, Méhednek gyümölcse (The Fruit of Your Womb) directed by László Bérczes
1994/1995 season
Milán Füst
, Máli néni (Mrs. Mali) directed by Árpád Árkosi
Mihail Bulgakov, Képmutatók cselszövése (The Intrigue of the Hypocrites) directed by Gábor Tompa
William Shakespeare, Vízkereszt (Twelfth Night) directed by Victor Ioan Frunză
Carlo Goldoni, Csetepaté Chioggiában (The Chioggia Scuffles) directed by Árpád Árkosi
1993/1994 season
János Székely, Mórok (Moors) directed by Gábor Tompa
1992/1993 season
Ervin Lázár
, Bab Berci kalandjai (The Adventures of Bab Berci) directed by István Mózes
William Shakespeare, Szentivánéji álom (A Midsummer Night's Dream) directed by Gábor Tompa
László Márton, A nagyratörő (The Ambitious) directed by Miklós Parászka
Sándor Hunyady
, Erdélyi kastély (Transylvanian Castle) directed by Gábor Dehel
1991/1992 season
Eugène Ionesco, A kopasz énekesnő (The Bald Prima Donna) directed by Gábor Tompa
1990/1991 season
Slawomir Mrozek
, Rendőrség (The Police) directed by Árpád Árkosi
William Shakespeare, Ahogy tetszik (As You Like It) directed by Gábor Tompa
Megváltozhat-e egy ember (Theatre and transformation), essays. Cluj: 2009
Gyáva embert szeretsz (Loving a Coward), poems. Pécs: 2008
Tirami sù. Két monológ: Júlia és Megöltem az anyámat (Tiramisu. Two monologs: Juliet and I Killed My Mother) Cluj: 2006
A szökés. Három dráma: A szökés, Tanítványok és Alkoholisták (The Escape. Three plays: The Escape, Disciples and Alcoholics) Cluj: 2006
Júlia (Juliet), play. Budapest: 2003
Ha megh (If I Should Die), poems. Cluj: 2003
Fals tratat de convietuire (A False Treaty for Co-existence), novel in Romanian with Daniel Vighi and Alexandru Vlad. Cluj: 2002
Írni és (nem) rendezni (To Write and (Not) Direct), writings on the theory of theatre, Cluj: 2002
Betlehemi éjszaka (Bethlehem Night), children's story. Cluj, 1999. This title also appeared in English and Romanian.
Aranylevél (Golden Leaf), poems. Budapest, Cluj: 1999
Goblen (Goblen), poems. Pécs: 1998
Reggeli csendesség (Morning Quiet), essays. Budapest: 1996
Hamlet elindul (Hamlet Sets Off), theatre criticism and studies. Târgu Mureş, Chicago: 1996
Romániai magyar négykezesek (Romanian Hungarian Pieces for Four Hands), poems with Gábor Tompa
. Pécs: 1994
Hóbagoly (Great White Owl), poems. Budapest: 1992
Fotóiskola haladóknak (Photo School for the Advanced), poems. Bucharest: 1988.
Patraszállás (Disembarkation), poems. Bucharest: 1982
As editor:
De la Shakespeare la Sarah Kane. Teatrul National din Cluj. Spectacole din perioda 2000-2007/De Shakespeare à Sarah Kane. Le Théâtre National de Cluj. Spectacles de a période 2000-2007/From Shakespeare to Sarah Kane. The National Theatre of Cluj. Performances from 2000-2007. Cluj: Koinónia Publishing, 2008
Színház és rítus (Theatre and Ritual), studies in the theatre of Áron Tamási
. Sfântu Gheorge: 1997
Kolozsvár magyar színháza (The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj), with co editors Lajos Kántor and József Kōtő. Cluj: 1992
A hely szelleme (The Spirit of Place), an anthology of contemporary Hungarian drama. Cluj: 1992
As contributor:
Testre szabott élet – Nádas Péter Saját halál és Párhuzamos történetek című műveiről (Studies on the works of Péter Nádas), edited by Péter Rácz I. Budapest: 2007
Tolnai-Szimpózium (Tolnai Symposium), edited by Beáta Thomka. Budapest, 2004
Central Europe Now!, almanac from Young Writers' Meeting. Archa Bratislava: 1994
Felūtés. Írások a magyar alternatív színházról (Upbeat. Writings About Alternative Hungarian Theatre), edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest, 1992
Fordulatok. Magyar Színházak 1992 (Turnings. Hungarian Theatre 1992), edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest: 1992
Új Magyar Shakespeare-tár I (New Hungarian Shakespeare Collection I), edited by Tibor Fabiny and István Géher. Budapest: 1988
2008 - Bánffy Miklós Award
2007 - Special Prize of the jury of the National Theatre Festival of Pécs
2004 – ARTISJUS Award
2002 - Szép Ernő Award
2002 - Károli Gáspár Award
2001 - Salvatore Quasimodo Special Award
1995 - Soros Foundation Award
1993 - Poesis Award
1993 - IRAT ALAP Award
1993 - Európa 1968 Award
Cluj-Napoca Hungarian Theatre
The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj was founded in 1792 and is located in Cluj-Napoca, the fourth largest city in Romania. It was the first Hungarian theatre company in Transylvania, now a part of modern day Romania. The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj functions as a repertory theatre, entirely subsidized by...
, Romania, where he also holds the position of associate artistic director. His plays have been staged in several countries including Romania, Hungary, France, Italy, Poland, Slovenia and the United States.
He has a DLA (Doctor of Liberal Arts) from the University of Theatre and Film, Budapest and since 1994 he has lectured at the Babeş-Bolyai University
Babes-Bolyai University
The Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca is an university in Romania. With almost 50,000 students, the university offers 105 specialisations, of which there are 105 in Romanian, 67 in Hungarian, 17 in German, and 5 in English...
in the Department of Theatre and Television. He is one of the co-founders and the former executive director of Koinónia Publishing.
Visky's father, Ferenc Visky, was a Hungarian Reformed minister who in 1958 was sentenced to 22 years in prison and forced labor by the Romanian Communist authorities for "the crime of organization against socialist public order." Shortly after, his wife and their seven children were deported to the Bărăgan (see Bărăgan deportationsBaragan deportations
The Bărăgan deportations were a large-scale action of penal transportation, undertaken during the 1950s by the Romanian Communist regime. Their aim was to forcibly relocate individuals who lived within approximately 25 km of the Yugoslav border to the Bărăgan Plain.-Reasons:After relations...
); Visky was only two years old at the time. In 1964, his father and other political prisoners were released during a short-lived period of relative thaw in which the regime relaxed its repressive polices. Visky himself was released the same year along with his mother and siblings.
Professional life
Visky joined the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj as dramaturg in 1990. This was also the beginning of his long professional collaboration with Gábor TompaGábor Tompa
Gábor Tompa is a Romanian theater director and teacher, born in Târgu Mureş on August 8, 1957. Since 2007 he has been Head of Directing at the Theatre and Dance Department of the University of California, San Diego...
, the artistic director of the theatre. The pair have worked together on innumerable performances, including plays by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Ionesco, Caragiale, Gombrowicz and Beckett, and Tompa has directed Visky's Júlia, Tanítványok, Hosszú péntek, Visszaszületés and Alkoholisták. Visky has also worked with directors Dragoş Galgoţiu, Mihai Măniuţiu
Mihai Maniutiu
Mihai Maniutiu is a European theatre director, writer and theatre/performance theoretician of Romanian origin. He has directed over eighty productions in important theatres, many of which have been toured internationally, broadcast on European TV chanels, and won numerous awards in the categories...
, Robert Raponja, and David Zinder.
For the 2009-2010 academic year, Visky was the Spoelhof Chair at Calvin College
Calvin College
Calvin College is a comprehensive liberal arts college located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded in 1876, Calvin College is an educational institution of the Christian Reformed Church and stands in the Reformed tradition of Protestantism...
, Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he taught courses in playwriting and Hungarian and Romanian theatre.
Over the course of his play writing, Visky has developed what he terms a "barrack dramaturgy". Having grown up in an eastern European gulag, he returns again and again in his plays to what it means to be a prisoner and the problem of being set free.2011 - Megöltem az anyámat (I Killed My Mother) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, created by Csilla Albert and Áron Dimény.
2010 - Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2010 - Juliet (English version of Júlia) - Theatre Y, Royal George Theatre, Chicago, directed by Karin Coonrod.
2010 - Backborn (English version of Visszaszületés) - Laboratory Theater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, directed by Stephanie Sandberg.
2010 - I Killed My Mother (English version of Megöltem az anyámat) - Theatre Y, Greenhouse Theatre, Chicago, directed by Karin Coonrod.
2010 - Green Relief - Grand Rapids Art Museum, as part of the Art Plays project curated by Austin Bunn, directed by András Visky.
2009 - Visszaszületés (Born for Never) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2009 - Naitre à jamais (Born for Never) - Festival d'Avignon
Festival d'Avignon
The Festival d'Avignon, or Avignon Festival, is an annual arts festival held in the French city of Avignon. Founded in 1947 by Jean Vilar, it is the oldest extant festival in France and one of the world's greatest...
, where it won the award for best performance in the Off section, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2009 - Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) - Gárdonyi Géza Theatre of Eger, directed by Menyhért Szegvári.
2008 - Julieta (Romanian version of Júlia) - National Theatre of Iaşi, directed by Ioana Petcu.
2007 - Disciples (English version of Tanítványok) - SummerNITE Company, Elgin Art Showcase, Chicago, directed by Christopher Markle.
2007 - Júlia (Juliet) - Tamási Áron Theatre, Sfântu Gheorghe, directed by László Bocsárdi.
2007 - Hosszú péntek (Long Friday) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2006 - Disciples (English version of Tanítványok) - Laboratory Theater, Calvin College, Grand Rapids MI, directed by Stephanie Sandberg.
2006 - Juliet (English version of Júlia) - SummerNITE Company - Theatre Y, New American Theatre, Rockford IL, directed by Christopher Markle.
2005 - Tanítványok (Disciples) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa.
2005 - A szökés (The Escape), Tompa Miklós Company of the National Theatre of Târgu Mureş, directed by Éva Patkó.
2005 - Julieta (Romanian version of Júlia) - Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
The Lucian Blaga National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca, Romania is one of the most prestigious theatrical institutions in Romania...
, directed by Mihai Măniuţiu.
2004 - A meg nem született (The unborn) - Vígszínház, Budapest, performed by János Kulka, with a guest performance in New York.
2003 - Vasárnapi iskola (Sunday School) - Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gyōrgy Selmeczi.
2002 - Júlia (Juliet) - Thália Theatre, Budapest and Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, directed by Gábor Tompa. Special performances in Bucharest, New York, and Washington D.C.
2001 - Tanítványok (Disciples), Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen, directed by József Jámbor.
His other plays include FényÁrnyék (Light/Shadow) and Betlehemi éjszaka (Bethlehem Night), a children's play.
Dramaturgical credits at the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
2011/2012 seasonThomas Vinterberg
Thomas Vinterberg
Thomas Vinterberg is a Danish film director who, along with Lars von Trier, co-founded the Dogme 95 movement in filmmaking, which established rules for simplifying movie production....
, Mogens Rukov
Mogens Rukov
Mogens Rukov is a Danish screenwriter.He achieved a university degree in Nordic filology and film in 1974.After that he became a teacher of the screenwriting department at the National Film School of Denmark, Copenhagen....
, Celebration directed by Robert Woodruff
Robert Woodruff
Robert Woodruff may refer to:* Robert Woodruff , theatre director* Robert E. Woodruff, president of Erie Railroad 1939–1949* Robert W...
Róbert Lakatos, Cecília Felméri, Draculatour or The Brand Stroker Project directed by Róbert Lakatos
2010/2011 season
Albert Camus
Albert Camus
Albert Camus was a French author, journalist, and key philosopher of the 20th century. In 1949, Camus founded the Group for International Liaisons within the Revolutionary Union Movement, which was opposed to some tendencies of the Surrealist movement of André Breton.Camus was awarded the 1957...
, Caligula directed by Mihai Măniuțiu
Marin Držić
Marin Držic
Marin Držić is considered the finest Croatian Renaissance playwright and prose writer.- Life :Born into a large and well to do family in Dubrovnik, Držić was trained and ordained as a priest — a calling very unsuitable for his rebel temperament...
, Dundo Maroje directed by Robert Raponja
Georg Büchner
Georg Büchner
Karl Georg Büchner was a German dramatist and writer of poetry and prose. He was the brother of physician and philosopher Ludwig Büchner. Büchner's talent is generally held in great esteem in Germany...
, Leonce és Léna (Leonce and Lena) directed by Gábor Tompa
András Visky, Alkoholisták (Alcoholics) directed by Gábor Tompa
Aristophanes , son of Philippus, of the deme Cydathenaus, was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. Eleven of his forty plays survive virtually complete...
, Lüszisztraté, avagy a nők városa (Lysistrata, or The City of Women) directed by Dominique Serrand
2008/2009 season
Anton Chekov, Három nővér (Three Sisters) directed by Gábor Tompa
2007/2008 season
Danilo Kiš
Danilo Kiš
Danilo Kiš was a Yugoslavian novelist, short story writer and poet who wrote in Serbo-Croatian. Kiš was influenced by Bruno Schulz, Vladimir Nabokov, Jorge Luis Borges and Ivo Andrić, among other authors...
, Borisz Davidovics síremléke (A Tomb for Boris Davidovich) directed by Robert Raponja
Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen
Henrik Ibsen was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is often referred to as "the father of prose drama" and is one of the founders of Modernism in the theatre...
, Peer Gynt directed by David Zinder
Thomas Bernhard
Thomas Bernhard
Thomas Bernhard was an Austrian novelist, playwright and poet. Bernhard, whose body of work has been called "the most significant literary achievement since World War II," is widely considered to be one of the most important German-speaking authors of the postwar era.- Life :Thomas Bernhard was...
, A vadásztársaság (The Hunting Party) directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
2006/2007 season
Énekek éneke (Song of Songs) directed by Mihai Măniuţiu
András Visky, Hosszú péntek (Long Friday) directed by Gábor Tompa
2005/2006 season
I. L. Caragiale, Az elveszett levél (The Lost Letter) directed by Gábor Tompa
András Visky, Tanítványok (Disciples) directed by Gábor Tompa
2004/2005 season
Carlo Goldoni
Carlo Goldoni
Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni was an Italian playwright and librettist from the Republic of Venice. His works include some of Italy's most famous and best-loved plays. Audiences have admired the plays of Goldoni for their ingenious mix of wit and honesty...
, A velencei terecske (The Little Square) directed by Mona Chirilă
2003/2004 season
Eugène Ionesco
Eugène Ionesco
Eugène Ionesco was a Romanian and French playwright and dramatist, and one of the foremost playwrights of the Theatre of the Absurd...
, Jacques vagy a behódolás (Jack, or The Submission) directed by Gábor Tompa
2002/2003 season
Benjamin Britten
Benjamin Britten
Edward Benjamin Britten, Baron Britten, OM CH was an English composer, conductor, and pianist. He showed talent from an early age, and first came to public attention with the a cappella choral work A Boy Was Born in 1934. With the premiere of his opera Peter Grimes in 1945, he leapt to...
, György Selmeczi, András Visky, A vasárnapi iskola avagy Noé bárkája (The Sunday School or Noah's Ark) directed by György Selmeczi
2000/2001 season
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon"...
, Romeo és Júlia (Romeo and Juliet) directed by Attila Keresztes
1999/2000 season
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet. He wrote both in English and French. His work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human nature, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humour.Beckett is widely regarded as among the most...
, A játszma vége (Endgame) directed by Gábor Tompa
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright and actor who is considered to be one of the greatest masters of comedy in Western literature...
, A mizantróp (The Misanthrope) directed by Gábor Tompa
1998/1999 season
William Shakespeare, A vihar (The Tempest) directed by Dragoş Galgoţiu
1997/1998 season
William Shakespeare, Troilus és Cressida (Troilus and Cressida) directed by Gábor Tompa
1996/1997 season
Eugène Ionesco, A székek (The Chairs) directed by Vlad Mugur
Vlad Mugur
Vlad Mugur was a Romanian-born German theater director.He graduated from the Bucharest Theater Institute as valedictorian in 1949, but he had already started to direct plays two years earlier, in 1947.In 1965 he became director of the National Theater in Cluj...
Mihály Vörösmarty
Mihály Vörösmarty
Mihály Vörösmarty was an important Hungarian poet and dramatist.He was born at Puszta-Nyék , of a noble Roman Catholic family. His father was a steward of the Nádasdys. Mihály was educated at Székesfehérvár by the Cistercians and at Pest by the Piarists...
, Csongor és Tünde (Csongor and Tünde) directed by Tibor Csizmadia
1995/1996 season
Lope de Vega
Lope de Vega
Félix Arturo Lope de Vega y Carpio was a Spanish playwright and poet. He was one of the key figures in the Spanish Golden Century Baroque literature...
, A kertész kutyája (The Gardener's Dog) directed by László Bocsárdi
Ferenc Molnár
Ferenc Molnár
LanguageFerenc Molnár was a Hungarian dramatist and novelist. His Americanized name was Franz Molnar...
, Liliom directed by István Kövesdy
Witold Gombrowicz
Witold Gombrowicz
Witold Marian Gombrowicz was a Polish novelist and dramatist. His works are characterized by deep psychological analysis, a certain sense of paradox and an absurd, anti-nationalist flavor...
, Operett (Operetta) directed by Gábor Tompa
Péter Kárpáti, Méhednek gyümölcse (The Fruit of Your Womb) directed by László Bérczes
1994/1995 season
Milán Füst
Milán Füst
Milán Füst was a Hungarian writer, poet and playwright. In 1908 he met the writer Ernő Osvát and published his first work in the literary revue Nyugat. He befriended Dezső Kosztolányi and Frigyes Karinthy. After studying law and economics in Budapest, he became a teacher in a school of business...
, Máli néni (Mrs. Mali) directed by Árpád Árkosi
Mihail Bulgakov, Képmutatók cselszövése (The Intrigue of the Hypocrites) directed by Gábor Tompa
William Shakespeare, Vízkereszt (Twelfth Night) directed by Victor Ioan Frunză
Carlo Goldoni, Csetepaté Chioggiában (The Chioggia Scuffles) directed by Árpád Árkosi
1993/1994 season
János Székely, Mórok (Moors) directed by Gábor Tompa
1992/1993 season
Ervin Lázár
Ervin Lázár
Ervin Lázár was a Hungarian author. Although he wrote a novel and a number of short stories, he is best known for his tales and stories for children.- Bibliography :...
, Bab Berci kalandjai (The Adventures of Bab Berci) directed by István Mózes
William Shakespeare, Szentivánéji álom (A Midsummer Night's Dream) directed by Gábor Tompa
László Márton, A nagyratörő (The Ambitious) directed by Miklós Parászka
Sándor Hunyady
Sándor Hunyady
Sándor Hunyady was a Hungarian novelist and dramatist.- Novels :*Diadalmas katona , 1930*Géza és Dusán , 1932*Téli sport , 1934*Családi album , 1934*Az ötpengős leány , 1935...
, Erdélyi kastély (Transylvanian Castle) directed by Gábor Dehel
1991/1992 season
Eugène Ionesco, A kopasz énekesnő (The Bald Prima Donna) directed by Gábor Tompa
1990/1991 season
Slawomir Mrozek
Slawomir Mrozek
Sławomir Mrożek is a Polish dramatist and writer. In 1963 Mrożek emigrated to France and then further to Mexico. In 1996 he returned to Poland and settled in Kraków. In 2008 he moved back to France....
, Rendőrség (The Police) directed by Árpád Árkosi
William Shakespeare, Ahogy tetszik (As You Like It) directed by Gábor Tompa
Published works
Mint aki látja a hangot. Visky Andással beszélget Sipos Márti (Like One Who Hears Sound. András Visky talks with Márti Sipos.), Budapest: 2009Megváltozhat-e egy ember (Theatre and transformation), essays. Cluj: 2009
Gyáva embert szeretsz (Loving a Coward), poems. Pécs: 2008
Tirami sù. Két monológ: Júlia és Megöltem az anyámat (Tiramisu. Two monologs: Juliet and I Killed My Mother) Cluj: 2006
A szökés. Három dráma: A szökés, Tanítványok és Alkoholisták (The Escape. Three plays: The Escape, Disciples and Alcoholics) Cluj: 2006
Júlia (Juliet), play. Budapest: 2003
Ha megh (If I Should Die), poems. Cluj: 2003
Fals tratat de convietuire (A False Treaty for Co-existence), novel in Romanian with Daniel Vighi and Alexandru Vlad. Cluj: 2002
Írni és (nem) rendezni (To Write and (Not) Direct), writings on the theory of theatre, Cluj: 2002
Betlehemi éjszaka (Bethlehem Night), children's story. Cluj, 1999. This title also appeared in English and Romanian.
Aranylevél (Golden Leaf), poems. Budapest, Cluj: 1999
Goblen (Goblen), poems. Pécs: 1998
Reggeli csendesség (Morning Quiet), essays. Budapest: 1996
Hamlet elindul (Hamlet Sets Off), theatre criticism and studies. Târgu Mureş, Chicago: 1996
Romániai magyar négykezesek (Romanian Hungarian Pieces for Four Hands), poems with Gábor Tompa
Gábor Tompa
Gábor Tompa is a Romanian theater director and teacher, born in Târgu Mureş on August 8, 1957. Since 2007 he has been Head of Directing at the Theatre and Dance Department of the University of California, San Diego...
. Pécs: 1994
Hóbagoly (Great White Owl), poems. Budapest: 1992
Fotóiskola haladóknak (Photo School for the Advanced), poems. Bucharest: 1988.
Patraszállás (Disembarkation), poems. Bucharest: 1982
As editor:
De la Shakespeare la Sarah Kane. Teatrul National din Cluj. Spectacole din perioda 2000-2007/De Shakespeare à Sarah Kane. Le Théâtre National de Cluj. Spectacles de a période 2000-2007/From Shakespeare to Sarah Kane. The National Theatre of Cluj. Performances from 2000-2007. Cluj: Koinónia Publishing, 2008
Színház és rítus (Theatre and Ritual), studies in the theatre of Áron Tamási
Áron Tamási
Áron Tamási was a Hungarian writer. He became well-known in his native region of Transylvania and in Hungary for his stories written in his original Székely style.-Biography:...
. Sfântu Gheorge: 1997
Kolozsvár magyar színháza (The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj), with co editors Lajos Kántor and József Kōtő. Cluj: 1992
A hely szelleme (The Spirit of Place), an anthology of contemporary Hungarian drama. Cluj: 1992
As contributor:
Testre szabott élet – Nádas Péter Saját halál és Párhuzamos történetek című műveiről (Studies on the works of Péter Nádas), edited by Péter Rácz I. Budapest: 2007
Tolnai-Szimpózium (Tolnai Symposium), edited by Beáta Thomka. Budapest, 2004
Central Europe Now!, almanac from Young Writers' Meeting. Archa Bratislava: 1994
Felūtés. Írások a magyar alternatív színházról (Upbeat. Writings About Alternative Hungarian Theatre), edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest, 1992
Fordulatok. Magyar Színházak 1992 (Turnings. Hungarian Theatre 1992), edited by Tibor Várszegi. Budapest: 1992
Új Magyar Shakespeare-tár I (New Hungarian Shakespeare Collection I), edited by Tibor Fabiny and István Géher. Budapest: 1988
2009 - József Attila Award2008 - Bánffy Miklós Award
2007 - Special Prize of the jury of the National Theatre Festival of Pécs
2004 – ARTISJUS Award
2002 - Szép Ernő Award
2002 - Károli Gáspár Award
2001 - Salvatore Quasimodo Special Award
1995 - Soros Foundation Award
1993 - Poesis Award
1993 - IRAT ALAP Award
1993 - Európa 1968 Award
External links
- Hungarian Theatre of Cluj
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Notable Romanian Playwrights
- Hungarian Literature Online: Excerpt from Juliet
-;col1Theatre Forum 2010: Writing at Avignon (2009): Dramatic, Postdramatic, or Post-postdramatic by Patrice PavisPatrice PavisPatrice Pavis is Professor for Theatre Studies at the University of Kent in Canterbury. He has written extensively about performance, focusing his study and research mainly in semiology and interculturalism in theatre...
which includes a section on Naitre à jamais (Born for Never)]